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|author=Imogen Greenberg and Isabel Greenberg
|title=The Roman Empire
|genre=Children's Non-Fiction
|summary=You may not think it from my writing, but I actually have a degree in history. Some of this was on the Roman Empire, but even I struggle to remember what happened when during the time period. The Republic and Empire spanned hundreds of years, so Alexander rocking up with his elephants did not happen anywhere near the rise of Julius Caesar. Modern youths would not think to shove the invention of the microchip in with the Napoleonic Wars, so why would you do this with Rome? Kids need a simple book that tells them about the Roman Empire, but also puts it all in a context and timeline they can understand.
|author=Anna Kovecses
|summary=Private investigator George Kocharyan struggles along on the seedy side of Cambridge, following the odd unfaithful spouse or checking up on benefit claimants for the Department of Work and Pensions. This just about pays for his invaluable part-time assistant Sandra who knows how to work the office computer, and her teenage son who George occasionally hires to do some of the leg work. Into this grubby world walks Sylvia Booker, wife of the bursar at Morley College, overprotective mother, glamorous middle-aged woman. Worried that her daughter has fallen in with a bad crowd she hires George to look into it. Then one of the unfaithful wives George had been following turns up dead, and life begins to get complicated.
|author=Elaine Everest
|title=The Woolworths Girls
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=It is Christmas, 1938, and three young ladies are excited about starting their new jobs at Woolworths in Erith. For each one of them, the job is a means of escape: Sarah wants to escape her snobbish and controlling mother; newlywed Maisie can't abide her bullying mother in law; and shy Freda is running away from her abusive stepfather and searching for her brother, who has escaped from prison. The ''Woolworths Girls'' soon become close friends, but with the threat of war looming large, and tragedy just around the corner, they are going to need to rely on each other more than ever before.