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Inspector Croc Investigates by Sam Lloyd

All is peaceful in Whoops-a-Daisy World, until the phone rings at the police station. Someone has knocked over Rory Lion's paint, ridden their bike through Fix-It Fox's concrete and stomped all over Farmer Moo's crops. There's only one thing for it: Inspector Croc is going to have to investigate.

Inspector Croc Investigates by Sam Lloyd

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Keith Dudhnath
Reviewed by Keith Dudhnath
Summary: The latest book in the Whoops-a-Daisy World series keeps the high quality levels up. The bold illustrations, interesting cast of characters and slightly more detailed than average plot make it a fine addition to your bookshelf.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 32 Date: August 2009
Publisher: Orchard
ISBN: 978-1846169458

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Bookbag enjoyed the earlier book in the series and Inspector Croc Investigates continues in the same strong vein. As before, it's reminiscent of Richard Scarry's work without being derivative. There's an accessible cast of characters whom children will love, and a more detailed than average plot, which makes it ideal for those just on the cusp of reading for themselves. It's not so detailed that younger children will be left out, but to truly enjoy it, they'll need to piece together the simple clues to work out who's responsible before Inspector Croc does.

Sam Lloyd's illustrations are as great as always. The bold style works brilliantly in a book with a large cast of supporting characters, and it's great to get an overview of the whole town. There's plenty to spot on all the pages, including old friends like Chief Rhino and Great Granny Wrinkles. I particularly liked the touch of including tomorrow's mystery that encourages children to go back and see who's been pinching Farmer Moo's marshmallows.

Having covered the emergency services in Doctor Miaow's Big Emergency, Chief Rhino To The Rescue and now Inspector Croc Investigates, it'll be interesting to see what happens next in the next Whoops-a-Daisy World book. I can't wait to find out: there are a large cast of characters to choose from, and the quality shows no sign of abating. Recommended.

My thanks to the publishers for sending it to Bookbag.

Jack's Tractor by Thomas Taylor has similarly big and bold illustrations, and a great sense of fun. Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Frightful Night by Kristina Stephenson includes a quest for a missing teddy bear, which children will love.

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