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|author= Roisin Meaney
|title= The Reunion
|rating= 5
|genre= General Fiction
|summary= This is an emotional story about the lives of two Irish sisters, beginning with their invitation to attend a twenty year reunion back at their Convent High School. They are both unsure whether to go, their adult lives having veered off in totally different and dramatic directions since leaving school. We find out that the sisters have each suffered terrible life events, changing them for ever from the children they were. The story reveals how they begin to re-build their lives, supporting one another and becoming much closer in the process.
|title=Letters to the Lost
|summary= Fifteen year-old Mae has only vague memories of life before her dad, an internationally famous psychiatrist, set up Hummingbird Creek. To Mae the strict timetable, stringent exercise routine and perfectly balanced organic diet are normal. The Creek's patients – teens with psychological problems – might find it unnerving to be trapped in the middle of nowhere with no mobile phone or internet but Mae thinks she's lucky. Or she does until a chance incident reveals her parents have been lying about her mum's family. Mae starts to wonder what else they might have lied about. Soon Mae is questioning everything she's been told about Hummingbird Creek with dangerous, and potentially deadly, consequences.
|author= Eugenia Cheng
|title=Beyond Infinity: An expedition to the outer limits of the mathematical universe
|rating= 4
|genre= Popular Science
|summary=''I'm right.''<br>
''I'm more right.''<br>
''I'm right times infinity!''<br>
''I'm right two times infinity!''<br>
''I'm right times infinity squared!''<br>
Most people will have heard, or participated in, this type of childhood argument. It doesn't really make much sense, as we know that infinity goes on forever, and therefore ''two times infinity'' and ''infinity squared'' cannot be any bigger than infinity itself. But what exactly ''is'' infinity? This term has puzzled and intrigued people for generations, and ''Beyond Infinity'' sees mathematician Eugenia Cheng take on the challenge of defining infinity and helping us unlock its secrets.