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|author=Mark Lingane
|title=BL!NK (Hadron Damnation Book 1)
|summary=iYe is a smasher: a child who is capable of sending back pictures of the future by travelling out to where the past and future meet. Smashers don't usually live to see their teens as the information generally returns without them. However iYe's mother, Captain Trix Raiden, is determined he'll be different and, indeed he is, in many ways. Not only does iYe survive, he is a chip off the same block as Cally, the planetary hero. However there is a darker side: iYe carries a message that Earth doesn't want to hear. The planet is used to dealing with the aliens that Cally originally fought but worse is on its way. ''We are coming to kill you.''
TWEET: BL!NK (Hadron Damnation Book 1) by Mark Lingane