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|title=Meet Me At The Boathouse
|author=Suzanne Bugler
|date=May 2007
Louise's home is not a happy one. Her mother is a neurotic, self-absorbed woman who sees things only in terms of how they affect her. Her father is well-meaning but ineffectual. It's a cold, uncommunicative house, fraught with the tension of trying to avoid the many triggers certain to release yet another tantrum from Louise's mother. At school, Louise is part of a competitive threesome, so common to teenaged girls, in which one of the three friends is always out in the cold. Louise, an artistic, introverted, sensitive girl is lonely. She needs to be loved. So when Danny comes along, so attentive, so adoring, she falls for him hook, line and sinker. No matter that he's a truant. No matter that he drinks and smokes dope. No matter that he tells lies. Danny loves Louise. And when that love gradually turns to obsession, control and violence and Louise can't find an escape route, she probably wouldn't take it even if she could.