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|title=Death of A Liar
|author=M C Beaton
|date=February 2015
|summary=A rape that wasn't and a murder that really was leads Hamish Macbeth on his latest highland adventure. Sticking to the tenets that have made this a justifiably popular series, it's old-fashioned mystery solving at its usual entertaining best. A few gripes about style and editing shouldn't be allowed to get in the way - although to be fair, it's probably not the best in the series to date.
Hamish Macbeth is still enjoying the relatively easy life of running the two-man station in remote Lochdubh in the highlands of Scotland. He could maybe do without current side-kick Dick Fraser's eternal presence on site, but has to admit that the man's cooking skills and his tendency to whip out a stove and frying pan in the remotest of locations do have their advantages. Still and all, it's not doing our eternal Sergeant's love-life any favours.