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|title= Planet In Peril
|author= Anita Ganeri and Mike Phillips
|reviewer= Sue Magee
|genre=Children's Non-Fiction
|summary= The perfect book for the young eco-warrior in the house - or even for an adult who would like a clear introcduction to the issues Highly recommended.
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Scolastic
|date= August 2008

Saving the Earth is the latest bandwagon upon which authors seem determined to jump with children's authors at the forefront of the charge. I've seen quite a few which were little more than a watered-down version of the sort of information which would be given to an adult and I can imagine that a lot of children would feel patronised. This ''Horrible Geography Handbook'' – ''Planet in Peril'' is a breath of fresh air. Well, apart, that is, from when the loo gets a little too well used.

This isn't just a book about turning the tap off whilst you're cleaning your teeth and switching lights off when you leave a room. Such things are becoming second nature to children and it's usually them that get cross with adults these days. As we're told in the introduction, you're going to find out about the size of your carbon footprint, how to run your car on chocolate, how to turn elephant poo into paper, why giving up baths is good news for the planet (Hurrah!) and why eating crisps is bad news for orang-utans (oh, dear…) There's nothing wishy-washy or patronising here and it's all good interesting stuff.

There's one of the clearest explanations of global warming that I've seen. Forget about buying this book for children and buy it for yourself if you feel that you need a clear overview of where earth is heading and what we might be able to do to save it. It's a book that's going to turn you and your children from being victims of what's happening to the earth into activists who are in control of what's happening. It's about the facts of the situation rather than half-baked ideas.

Now, don't be running away with the idea that this book might be too worthy for you, because it isn't. I predict (and I'm never wrong about these things) that this book will be read from cover to cover and then read again. It's hilarious in places, from the tree running away from the man with a chainsaw to the solar-powered skates. There's heavy use of alliteration to make all sorts of phrases really memorable.

There's excellent text but there are also superb illustrations by Mike Phillips which perfectly catch the mood of the book. Have good look at them as there are all sorts of hidden jokes in the pictures. The humour takes nothing away from the seriousness of the situation but rather make it stick in the mind.

And the problem with the loo? Well, it's suggested that if you just wee, then you shouldn't flush the loo. There's a young lady peering at an overflowing loo, under hovering flies expressing the wish that someone poos soon. Don't turn your nose up – kids are going to love that.

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.

If this book appeals then we think you ought to have a look at [[Teach Your Granny To Text by We Are What We Do]].

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