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Created page with "{{infobox1 |title= The Magnificent Mrs Mayhew |sort= Magnificent Mrs Mayhew |author= Milly Johnson |reviewer= Karen Grace |genre=Women's Fiction |summary= This is a charmingly..."
|title= The Magnificent Mrs Mayhew
|sort= Magnificent Mrs Mayhew
|author= Milly Johnson
|reviewer= Karen Grace
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary= This is a charmingly well-written book with strong characters and a totally modern storyline featuring, Sophie, the loyal wife of a rising politician whose affair has made tabloid news. Will Sophie continue to put aside her own feelings and dreams to publicly stand by her husband, as both he and her family expect?
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|publisher= Simon & Schuster UK
|date=March 2019

I liked this book. Whilst not necessarily a page-turner, this was a thoroughly enjoyable heart-warming read from the Queen of chick lit, Milly Johnson.

Despite being a best-selling author I've not actually read one of Milly's books before but she writes in a very pure, understated and realistic way which I really like. It's hard to explain but she describes romance rather than sex, makes a suggestion and ignites your imagination to develop the characters and ideas yourself. Her style is also humorous with in this case is added to by the presence of stereotypical politicians, an adorably cute small boy, and busy-body parishioners.

That said the charming narrative is combined with a totally modern and relatable storyline. In fact it addresses some fairly heavy issues such as emotional abuse and bullying but in a light-hearted way. When a kiss and tell story appears in the tabloids, emotionless Sophie Mayhew, wife of a rising politician, is expected to publicly stand by her husband. Instead she flees to a small Yorkshire village where she reinvents herself as 'Pom' a down-on-her-luck French woman. Why is it that every fictional village has a hot-but-he-doesn't-know-it single guy often with a philanthropic job (in this case a vicar) just waiting to fall in love with the mysterious newcomer? Not that I'm complaining as it's a formula that I love - I just wish that the same was true of real life villages (aka the one where I live). Anyway as Pom, Sophie gets a taste of how life could be - a life of kindness, friendship, freedom and even love. But, how long can she keep up pretences and which life (or man) will she choose?

The main characters are fascinating, probably because their characters really develop throughout the book. For example, at the start, the character of Sophie totally fits her nickname of ‘Sophie-the-Trophy’ as in she looks good but there is not much else going on. But, then you realise that she is actually a vibrant, rebellious, creative, strong female who has been ground down by her husband and family to the point of ignoring her own needs and wants. There’s also the hot vicar who is bringing up his son alone after a whirlwind and totally unsuitable romance, his strong direct-speaking sister trying to move on after a bad marriage, and a sullen teenager mourning her mother.

With its short chapters this book is also a really easy read. I would definitely recommend it, as there’s really nothing not to like but it is more easy-reading rather than something that’s really thought-provoking, gripping or unique. If you like strong female characters and quaint English village settings then also try anything by my favourite author [[:Category:Heidi Swain|Heidi Swain]] or perhaps [[Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan]].

