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<metadesc>Book review siteExpert, with books full book reviews from most walks of literary life; fiction, biographynon-fiction, crime, cookery and children's books & self-published books plus author interviews and & top tens.</metadesc><h1 id="mf-title">The Bookbag</h1>Hello from The Bookbag, a site featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - [[:Category:Fiction|fiction]], [[:Category:Biography|biography]], [[:Category:Crime|crime]], [[:Category:Cookery|cookery]] and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library, the charity shop and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of [[:Category:Interviews|author interviews]], and all sorts of [[:Category:Lists|top tens]] - all of which you can find on our [[features]] page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the [[Book Recommendations|recommendations]] page.
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'''Read [[Forthcoming Publications|reviews of books about to be published]].{{Frontpage|class-"wikitable" cellpaddingauthor="15" <!-- INSERT NEW REVIEWS BELOW HERE--><!-- Graves -->Onyi Nwabineli|-title=Allow Me to Introduce Myself| stylerating="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|4.5[[image:194927201X.jpg|linkgenre=]] General Fiction| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; textAnuri spent her childhood on display to the world, thanks to her step-align: left;"|===[[Lakes mother Ophelia's increasingly popular presence on social media, where she posted every step of Mars by Merritt Graves]]===Anuri's childhood for sponsorships and influencer deals and, basically, monetary gain. [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Science Fiction|Science Fiction]] Aaron Sheridan doesn't want Now Anuri is in her twenties and she is slowly trying to regain her confidence and to get her life back, suing her step-mother to live anymore. His entire family take down the content about her. Anuri is dead by his own handbattling alcoholism, killed in a shuttle crash. Unable failing to deal with the guiltstart her PhD, he signs up undergoing therapy and secretly abusing people online and receiving money from them for the Fleet expecting a fatal deployment to the Rim Wardoing so. Most importantly, but instead ends up at their most prestigious command schoolshe is desperately worried about her little sister, Corinth Stationwho is the new focus of Ophelia's online empire... [[Lakes of Mars by Merritt Graves Can she save her sister, and perhaps herself and her relationship with her father at the same time?|Full Review]]isbn=0861546873}}<!-- Ryan -->{{Frontpage|-author=David Chadwick| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"Headload of Napalm|rating=4.5[[image:191280493X.jpg|linkgenre=]] Thrillers| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"| ===[[Coming It's September 1973 in Hicks, California. Hicks is a Mojave desert town of a few thousand people with its nearest neighbours of Age by Danny Ryan]]=== [[image:4starLA and Las Vegas both a significant drive away. Not much happens in Hicks.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Autobiography|Autobiography]]  A silver mine and a defence contractor are the main local employers but otherwise, there''He began writing novels s not much of note other than dive bars and poetry at the age of twelveJoshua trees. Life is quiet, but it was to take him a further forty-eight years to realise that he wasn’t very good at eitheruntil. Consistently unpublished for all that time, he remains a shining example of hope over experience...''|isbn= B0D321VJ76}}''This a memoir from someone you have never heard of - but will feel like you have.'' [[Coming of Age by Danny Ryan|Full Review]]  <!-- Maxwell N Andrews -->{{Frontpage|-author=Tom Percival| styletitle=''width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;''|The Wrong Shoes[[image:1983376353.jpg|linkrating=]] 5| stylegenre=''vertical-align: top; text-align: left;''Confident Readers|summary===[[Lighthouse Will's life is difficult, in a multitude of ways. He is bullied because he has 'the Netherworlds by Maxwell N Andrews]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Teens|Teens]]wrong shoes', [[:Category:Fantasy|Fantasy]]he has the wrong shoes because his dad can't work and doesn't have enough money for even the most basic of things like food, [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] The phrase about never trusting a book by its cover is something I put on a par with comments about Marmite. Youand his dad can're supposed to love it or hate it and I'm halfway betweent work because he lost his job at the college, was working a cash-in-hand job on a building site and likewise the old adage is halfway truehad an accident. From Throw into that mix the cover of this I had a child-friendly fantasyfact that his mum and dad are separated, what with that name and that attractive artwork of an attractive girl reaching for an attractive water plantWill's life seems bleak in every direction. That was only built on by the initial fictionalised quotesAnd yet, with their non-standard spelling, as if texts of scripture in this book's world predated our standardised literacyhe still has a tiny amount of hope. But why was I two chapters in and just finding more and more charactersHe is good at art, both human and animal, and more and more flashbacksclings to the moments of joy when he is drawing, and no proof that this was what I'd bought in for? [[Lighthouse feel like a light at the end of the Netherworlds by Maxwell N Andrewsa long, dark tunnel.|Full Review]]isbn=1398527122}}<!-- Ellory -->{{Frontpage|-author=Sylvie Cathrall| styletitle=''width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;''A Letter to the Luminous Deep|rating=5[[image:1542007232.jpg|linkgenre= Fiction|summary=nosim?tagThere are few greater joys than a book which lives up to a compelling premise. And this is one of them.|isbn=thebookbag-21]]0356522776}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0008517061| styletitle=''vertical-align: top; text-align: left;''Death in a Lonely Place|author=Stig Abell|rating=4|genre==[[The Rabbit Girls by Anna Ellory]]===Crime[[image:3star.jpg|linksummary=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:General Fiction|General Fiction]]Former Metropolitan Police detective, Jake Johnson, has settled into his rustic life at Little Sky. There’s perhaps a little uncertainty about the future of his life with his vet girlfriend, [[:Category:Historical Fiction|Historical Fiction]] BerlinLivia and her daughter Diana, 1989. Miriam is as moving in the middle together would mean a lot of a city freshly united, with the Wall newly broken down compromise: does Jake give up his off-grid and people able relaxing life to cross at liberty for the first time move in decades. She with Livia or does Livia move to Little Sky despite her reservations about whether or not this is in the middle of such euphoria, but cannot feel it, future she wants for she has not left her father's apartment herself and her daughter? For the moment they’re enjoying life in weeks, nursing him as he lies dying. One standard bed-bath, however, is very different, when he gasps the name ''Frieda'' that she does not recognise – present and she sees for putting the future on the first time ever a tattoo for his camp inmate identity under his watchback burner. One bombshell outside, then, and two inside... [[The Rabbit Girls by Anna Ellory|Full Review]]}}<!-- Tove Jansson -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=1786482126| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"The Janus Stone (Dr Ruth Galloway)|author=Elly Griffiths[[image:0954899520.jpg|linkrating=|genre=nosim?tagCrime|summary=thebookbagBuilders were demolishing an old house in Norwich -21]]  | style="verticalthe site was going to hold seventy-align: top; textfive 'luxury' apartments -align: left;"|===[[A Winter Book by Tove Jansson]]=== [[image:5starwhen they discovered the bones of a child beneath a doorway. There was no skull.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Literary Fiction|Literary Fiction]], [[:Category:Short Stories|Short Stories]] Tove Jansson Was this a ritual killing or murder? Inevitably, Dr Ruth Galloway finds herself working with DCI Harry Nelson. It's worldwide fame lasts on the Moomin booksdifficult as Ruth knows, written in the 1940s and later becoming television characters of the simplicity, naivety and sheer but Nelson doesn'goodness' that would later produce flowerpot men or teletubbies. Simple drawingst, simple stories, simple goodness. What is often forgotten outside of her native Finland is that she was is pregnant with his child as a serious writer…that she wrote for adults as well as children…and that she had a feeling for the natural world and the simple life that result of the one night they spent together some three months ago. Her condition will be obvious before long, not only informed those child-like trolls but went far beyond any fantasy least because Ruth is prone to sudden bouts of how the world might besickness. [[A Winter Book by Tove Jansson|Full Review]]}}<!-- Whitlock -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=0008551324| styletitle=''width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;''The Devil You Know (D S Max Craigie)|author=Neil Lancaster[[image:1782692177.jpg|linkrating=|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] Crime| stylesummary=It's unusual for anyone from the Hardie family to approach the police. Neither side likes or has any respect for the other. But Davie Hardie is struggling in prison and he'vertical-align: top; text-align: left;''|===[[The Collective by Lindsey Whitlock]]=== [[image:3s prepared to tell the police where the body of a missing person is buried and who was responsible for her death.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Teens|Teens]] ''Illinois Territory This person, Collective Homesteads of America.'' Some people live in sunken houseshe promises, buried into hillsides is someone big and it will be worth the police doing what he wants. And what he wants is to be transferred to an open prison to disguise how large their property is at times serve the remainder of austerityhis sentence and to get an early parole date. Others are called ForestersNot much to ask, for they live is it? The new Deputy Police Constable doesn't think so and work in trees. When she's even prepared to do the small area the Foresters live in is placed under compulsory purchase, the residents are given a pitiful amount to clear out before they get manfully cleared outother thing that Hardie demanded - make certain that DS Max Craigie and anyone who works with him is kept well away from what's happening. Our hero, Elwyn, has just left the trees for the Hills, to live with an uncle and learn their ways – he's just of age to decide things for himself, and he has decided to see how the other half lives... [[The Collective by Lindsey Whitlock|Full Review]]}}<!-- Andre Pronovost -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=0008405026| styletitle=''width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;''A Stranger in the Family (Maeve Kerrigan 11)|author=Jane Casey[[image:099944235X.jpg|linkrating=|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] Crime| stylesummary=It''verticals sixteen years since nine-align: top; textyear-align: left;''| ===[[The Man Who Killed Hitler by Andre Pronovost]]=== [[image:3starold Rosalie Marshall disappeared from her bed one summer night.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Historical Fiction|Historical Fiction]] Germany is split She was never found and the investigation ground to a halt. Some of Now, her is in favour of Hitler mother, Helena, and the Nazis, but much isn't. Some of her is stuck to the east fighting the Sovietsfather are dead in their bed. Initially, it looks like a straightforward murder/suicide but some will soon have to be on there's something about the other front, against positioning of the Americans coming into the continent to put things right bodies that makes DS Maeve Kerrigan and her boss DI Josh Derwent suspicious. What looked as they see though itwas going to be an open-and-shut case is now a complex double murder. Finding out Kerrigan is convinced that the war to the east isn't working, due to Hitlerexplanation lies in Rosalie's tactical ineptitude and inability to heed advicedisappearance: others (such as Derwent's boss, some people reckon Stalin is five seasons away from being in BerlinUna Burt) are less convinced. }}{{Frontpage|isbn=0571379877|title=The only way to shore things upKellerby Code|author=Jonny Sweet|rating=3.5|genre=Crime|summary=Edward Jevons is a working-class young man, and repair the splits, is to kill Hitlerobsessed with his upper-class friends, Robert and luckily the Baron Nicholas is the man to do itStanza. Robert's a theatre director. He's aristocratic enoughalso self-obsessed, he knows enough people in industrydemanding, society handsome and other circles of power, so once he's succeeded he might be able entitled and uses Edward to keep a German presence in Europerun errands for him. But will Edward has been in love with Stanza since their university days - and he's drunkenly confided how he still be able feels to keep the capitalists and communists Robert. Most men in Robert's position would stay away from meeting in the middle? [[The Man Who Killed Hitler by Andre Pronovost|Full Review]]Stanza or tell Edward that a relationship had begun between them but he's not like most men: Edward is left to stumble upon the two of them kissing in a dark passageway.}}<!-- Ann Cleeves -->{{Frontpage|-author=Jo Callaghan| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"Leave No Trace|rating=4[[image:1509889566.jpg|linkgenre=|summary=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]]  | style="vertical-align: When a man is found crucified on the top; text-align: left;"| ===[[The Long Call (Two Rivers) by Ann Cleeves]]=== [[image:4starof a hill in Nuneaton, DCS Kat Frank finds herself assigned to the case alongside her sidekick, the AI detective Lock.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime|Crime]] It's their first live case together, [[:Category:LGBT Fiction|LGBT Fiction]] When we first meet DI Matthew Venn he's at his father's funeralhaving previously been very successful with several cold cases. But when there is a second body found crucified a few days later, although 'at' rather overstates the proximity. He sees everyone - his mother Kat is suddenly struggling with a potential serial killer and the preacher included from a distance - but he doesn't go itvery high profile case that draws a lot of unwanted attention to their AI Future Policing project. He wouldn't Will they be welcome. Those attending are part of able to solve the case in time, or will Kat find herself taken off the Barum Brethren case and the teenage Matthew was thrown , potentially, out when he told the congregation how wrong they were in their beliefs. It coincided with him leaving university and joining the police force. The announcement of Matthew's marriage to Jonathan Church was in a career?|isbn=139851120X}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1399613073|title=Moral Injuries|author=Christie Watson|rating=4.5|genre=Thrillers|summary=Olivia, Laura and Anjali met on the local paper first day of medical school and whilst he doesn't know if his father saw ittheir friendship would keep them inseparable for a quarter of a century. Olivia is ruthlessly ambitious, he can't imagine that it will have gone down wellwhich is a bonus when you aim to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. Laura is a perfectionist and a trauma doctor. Anjali is the free spirit of the group and she becomes a GP. [[The Long Call (Two Rivers) by Ann Cleeves|Full Review]] <!-- Day -->| When we first meet them they're at a drug and alcohol-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:0241351391fuelled party and it's going to end in tragedy.jpg|link=http://www We don't know who suffered the tragedy or the Twenty-21]]five years later there will be an eerily similar event that will impact the three friends. This time, it's their teenage children who are involved.}}{{Frontpage| styleisbn="vertical-align0241636604|title=The Trading Game: top; text-align: left;"A Confession|author=Gary Stevenson|rating=4.5|genre==[[Max Kowalski Didn't Mean It by Susie Day]]===Autobiography [[image:4.5star.jpg|linksummary=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] When Max’s dad finds himself in a spot If you were to bring up an image of hot water, he disappears for a few dayscity banker in your mind, leaving Max in charge you're unlikely to think of someone like Gary Stevenson. A hoodie and jeans replaces the pin-stripe suit and his three younger sistersbackground is the East End, Thelmawhere he was familiar with violence, Louise poverty and Ripleyinjustice. Max has There was no problem with stepping up to fill posh public school on his dad’s shoes and be the man in charge, but when his dad still doesn’t come home, CV - but he starts had been to panic that interfering grown ups will realise that the children are homeLondon School of Economics. Stevenson is bright - extremely bright -alone, and that they will step in and separate the familyhe has a facility with numbers which most of us can only envy. So Max takes his sisters He also realised that most rich people expect poor people to Wales, to hide out in a friend’s cottagebe stupid. It won’t be for longwas his ability at what was, surely? Because his dad wouldn’t miss Christmasessentially, would he? a card game which got him an internship with Citibank. [[Max Kowalski Didn't Mean It by Susie Day|Full Review]]Eventually, this turned into permanent employment as a trader.}}<!--Merritt Graves -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=1035021803| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder|author=C L Miller[[image:1949272028.jpg|linkrating=|genre=nosim?tagCrime|summary=thebookbag-21]]It's twenty years since Freya Lockwood has been back to the English country village where she grew up. She's back now because of a request for help from her beloved aunt, Carole. | style="vertical-alignFreya's former mentor and Carole's close friend, Arthur Crockleford, is dead and the circumstances seem suspicious, to say the least. Arthur was the reason why Freya had not been back to the village: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Sunlight 24 by Merritt Graves]]===Arthur, she feels, let her down badly. [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category: Science Fiction|Science Fiction]]Even though they were in business together as antique hunters, she has not felt able to be near the man or pursue the profession she loved. If After the game wasn’t fair beforesplit, it’s definitely not fair now. Or so thinks Dorian Watersshe worked in a cafe, part of met and married James (on the rebound from the ever-expanding portion love of humanity her life, who can’t afford the nano-implant was murdered) and Freya and genetic augmentation regimen known as RevisionJames have now divorced. And because he can’t afford Revision, he can’t get into college, he can’t get a job. And when he sees the brilliant }}{{Frontpage|isbn=AllTomorrowsFutureCover|title=All Tomorrow's Futures: Fictions that Disrupt|author=Benjamin Greenaway and mesmerizing Lena for Stephen Oram (Editors)|rating=5|genre=Science Fiction|summary=''Opening up new ways of thinking about the first time, he knows he doesn’t have a chance with her, eithershape of things to come. And so, Dorian robs a house with his best friend, Ethan. Then they do it again. They’re able to keep at it until they have enough money saved up for their first Revision. Their initial choices in self-enhancement start impacting their future choices, which in turn impact their future Revision––on and on in a downward spiral of self-destruction... [[Sunlight 24 by Merritt Graves|Full Review]] <!-- Stephen Booth -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:075157628X.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"| ===[[Drowned Lives by Stephen Booth]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime|Crime]] When council officer Chris Buckley is approached by an old man who wants his help in healing a decades' old family rift he's reluctant to get involved, but then Chris is reluctant to get involved in anything but a pint in the pub these days. It could just be the way that he is, or the fact that he's just lost both his parents within three months of each other. He's currently existing in the family home and wondering when he's going to be made redundant from his job with the council. The short answer to that one is 'soon'. Chris does his best to deter the old man, but it's not before he's left a lot of papers with his neighbour. Then the old man is murdered and the police come calling on Chris. [[Drowned Lives by Stephen Booth|Full Review]] <!-- Kalpesh Ashar -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1949395324.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition by Kalpesh Ashar]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Business and Finance|Business and Finance]] ''Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted to Know ''gives people without an accounting background, who have risen in a company, the knowledge to understand the accounts which show how the company is doing. The book begins by looking at why financial accounting systems are necessary, then moves on to give an excellent overview of the types of accounting systems which will be encountered and the terms used. We then look in detail at the balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of cash flows. If you understand these three sections on a set of accounts they will tell you a story. You will understand the company (or indeed any other business) but if you don't understand what's there you will be missing vital clues as to whether or not the company is thriving. [[Financial Accounting Essentials You Always Wanted To Know: 4th Edition by Kalpesh Ashar|Full Review]] <!-- Tamaki and Pugh -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1401283292.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki and Steve Pugh]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Teens|Teens]], [[:Category:Graphic Novels|Graphic Novels]] Harleen Quinzel is new in town. She always, to me, seems new in town, even if she's been around a long time, for she always has a very fresh attitude, and seems to look out of those large eyes at everything anew each time. But here she is new in town, and the town is Gotham City. Expecting a year-long furlough from life with her mother, she finds her gran dead and herself with no option but to stay with a bunch of drag queens. She also finds school is a drag, she also finds the whole neighbourhood is being redeveloped by a large and uncaring corporation – but she also finds two characters that will have a big impact on her life. One is a civil-minded lass called Ivy, the other someone she only meets at night – a lad with a singular graffiti tag and a mind for violence and chaos, who calls himself The Joker… [[Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki and Steve Pugh|Full Review]] <!-- Tove Jansson -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:0954221710.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Summer Book by Tove Jansson]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[Literary Fiction]] Tove Jansson's short novel about Summer is several worlds away from the Moomintrolls she is most famous for outside her native Scandinavia. Book yourself an afternoon this Summer, and take yourself and The Summer Book somewhere quiet, preferably within sight and sound of the sea, settle back and prepare to be transported. [[The Summer Book by Tove Jansson|Full Review]] <!-- Lynda La Plante -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1785768506.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Dirty Dozen (Jane Tennison 5) by Lynda La Plante]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime|Crime]] Jane Tennison had worked hard to get a place on the Flying Squad and she felt that she was there on merit. The Squad wondered who she'd slept with to get the place and bets were being taken as to who she'd sleep with in the first week. What none of them - Jane included - knew was that she was there as an experiment, in the hope that a female presence would have a calming effect. The job had been advertised and Jane was the only female who applied who ticked all the boxes. She doesn't tick all the boxes for the head of the Squad, DCI Murphy. He wanted someone with at least ten years' experience, and the appropriate set of genitals - and he's determined that Jane will fail. [[The Dirty Dozen (Jane Tennison 5) by Lynda La Plante|Full Review]] <!-- Coleman -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1785032461.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Girl at the Window by Rowan Coleman]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:General Fiction|General Fiction]], [[:Category:Paranormal|Paranormal]] Trudy Heaton is going home, to a house where her roots burrow back through the centuries and to a mother she hasn't spoken to for sixteen years. Home, her refuge, Ponden Hall, where she can heal herself and try to come to terms with the traumatic loss of her husband. She needs to build bridges with her mother and convince her grieving son that his father is dead. Where better than the house full of light and shadow, that nurtured her throughout her childhood? [[The Girl at the Window by Rowan Coleman|Full Review]] <!-- Shackle -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1473225213.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[We Are The Dead by Mike Shackle]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Fantasy|Fantasy]] Mike Shackle has written a really interesting and unusual story in ''We Are The Dead''; the tag line for the novel is 'No More Heroes' and that is what makes this story so different. There are villains galore but no specific heroes; rather the story is scattered with characters doing their own small part to survive, to fight back, and to find vengeance, in a world that has been utterly torn apart. The plot does not hang on any one character, no one is important, anyone can die and many do, but, like ants working together, each small character achieves their own part of a much larger plot that is rich and complex and keeps the reader glued to the story. [[We Are The Dead by Mike Shackle|Full Review]] <!-- Vibrant Publishers -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1946383627.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Cost Accounting & Management Essentials You Always Wanted To Know by Vibrant Publishers]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Business and Finance|Business and Finance]], [[:Category:Reference|Reference]] I'm capable of drawing up a profit and loss account (income statement in the USA) and a balance sheet and I do so for my own business and for another organisation. The accounts give me ''broadly'' what I need: I know whether we're making a profit or a loss and I can look at the expenses and see what looks as though it could be trimmed back in future years. My problem was that the accounts didn't really give me any help in making decisions, which was why I turned to ''Cost Accounting and Management'', part of Vibrant Publishers' Self-Learning and Management series. Cost accounting provides the information required by authorities external to the company ''and'' to those within it who need to make decisions, so don't worry that you're going to have to draw up two sets of accounts! [[Cost Accounting & Management Essentials You Always Wanted To Know by Vibrant Publishers|Full Review]] <!-- Steve Burrows -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1786075776.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[A Dance of Cranes by Steve Burrows]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime|Crime]], [[:Category:Thrillers|Thrillers]] DCI Domenic Jejeune is no longer with Lindy Hey, the estrangement being of his making, not hers. He hasn't explained to her that he is doing this - and leaving for his native Canada - because he thinks that this will keep her safe from his nemesis, Ray Hayes. Lauren Salter has been promoted to sergeant and now has her first murder case. It looks as though there's an obvious suspect, but Salter isn't so certain. Sgt Danny Maik is (unofficially) keeping an eye on Lindy Hey, whilst Jejeune embarks on a treacherous journey to rescue his brother, Damian, who has gone missing in one of Canada's largest national parks. [[A Dance of Cranes by Steve Burrows|Full Review]] <!-- Oates -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1785656775.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Triumph of the Spider Monkey by Joyce Carol Oates]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime|Crime]], [[:Category:Thrillers|Thrillers]], [[:Category:General Fiction|General Fiction]] Bobby is an angry, damaged man - damage that came from being abandoned as a baby in a bus station locker, and then being thrown from one foster home or detention centre to another, never far from violence or abuse. Eager to succeed as a musician, he arrives in Hollywood to find his dream - but it soon becomes clear that his paranoid delusions and seething rage will enable a capacity for acts of extreme violence. Unpublished for 40 years, this edition of ''The Triumph of the Spider Monkey'' comes combined with a connected novella – ''Love, Careless Love''. [[The Triumph of the Spider Monkey by Joyce Carol Oates|Full Review]] <!-- Pike -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:0192771604.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Last Spell Breather by Julie Pike]]===''
[[image:4I've heard it said that 'technology' is what happens after you're eighteen. Well, I must confess that there have been more than a few decades of technology in my lifetime. I've kept up reasonably well with what's advantageous to me but I'm left with the feeling that it's all getting away from me. Some of it is - frankly - quite frightening. Of course, I could research the possibilities and the probabilities and end up down rabbit holes without really understanding whether I'm reading someone who knows what they're talking about or the latest conspiracy theorist. I needed people I knew I could trust and who could deliver information in a way I could understand.}}{{Frontpage|author=Sunny Singh|title=Hotel Arcadia|rating=3.5|genre=Thrillers |summary=The Hotel Arcadia is a luxury hotel in an unnamed city that has suddenly been violently taken over by a terrorist group. Hiding from the terrorists who are rampaging through, killing everyone on site, there is Sam, a wartime photographer and Abhi, the hotel manager. As Abhi continues to try to care remotely for the residents who are still alive in the hotel, he forms a bond with Sam who refuses to be cowed by events, and keeps on venturing out of her room to try to capture what's happened through her photography.5star Although they only ever talk over the phone, their friendship grows as Abhi tries to help her keep safe and they both wait to see if they will be rescued before they are discovered by the terrorists.jpg|linkisbn=Category:086154742X}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529153298|title=The List of Suspicious Things|author=Jennie Godfrey|rating=5|genre=General Fiction|summary=It's 1979 and Margaret Thatcher is Prime Minister. (A woman? I mean, honestly...) She's not what's worrying Miv's family, though. Women have been disappearing. Well, they've been murdered, but to have 'disappeared' doesn't sound quite so frightening. Miv's upset because she's overheard that her father wants to move the family 'Down South'. When you're from Yorkshire, Down South is a frightening, foreign place, best avoided. For Miv, the move would mean leaving her best friend, Sharon, and she'll do anything to prevent that. She's not worried about the dangers or that her Mum's stopped talking - to anyone.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1398524085|title=Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter?|author=Nicci French|rating=5|genre=Crime|summary=Charlotte Salter was expected at her husband's fiftieth birthday party but never turned up. Her children, sons Niall, Paul and Ollie and her daughter, Etty. are all worried but - strangely - her husband, Alec, is not. Shortly afterwards, Etty and Greg, find the body of Greg's father, Duncan Ackerley, in the river. It was an easy assumption for the police to make that Duncan had murdered Charlie and then committed suicide when he couldn't stand the guilt. The Salter children are not convinced but there's little else they can do but get on with their lives and wonder about what really happened.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1035906708|title=Diva|author=Daisy Goodwin|rating=4.5|genre=General Fiction|summary=We tend to think of Maria Callas as Greek, but she was born to Greek parents in Manhattan, New York, in December 1923 and only moved to Athens when she was thirteen. Her original surname was Kalogeropoulos but her father changed it to 'Callas' to make it more manageable in the States. When she was back in Athens - supposedly so that she could get appropriate training for her voice - she was raised under the Nazi occupation by a mother who mercilessly exploited her and made no secret of her preference for her elder sister, Jackie.}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:{{Frontpage|author=Christopher Edge|title=Black Hole Cinema Club|rating=4|genre=Confident Readers|summary=Lucas and his friends are all booked in for a movie marathon at their local cinema, a place that has the nickname of 'The Black Hole'. All big movie fans, they're looking forward to lots of exciting films, and many, many snacks! However, as the movie starts, they very quickly realise that something about this new film format is very different, and they are swept up into an adventure they couldn't even imagine. But as they lurch from one film genre to the next, can they figure out what on earth is going on? Will they ever get back to the cinema, and to their real lives?|isbn=1839942738}}{{Frontpage|author=Rachel Greenlaw|title=Compass and Blade|rating=3.5|genre=Teens|Confident Readers]]summary=''I can hear the song of the sea. The call of the deep, the answering beat in my heart.''
Rayne lives in Rosevear, a remote and partially forgotten island, survives on luring ships into the rocks and plundering the smallwrecks. Mira, hidden village of Penderin where she is a somewhat unwilling apprentice to like her motherbefore her, is one of the spell breather. Not everyone can spell breathe, you have seven who swim out to born with a magic spark survey the ruins – rescuing any survivors and Rayne wishes she hadn't been born with oneany treasure that lies within. She's But when the Council Watch lays a terrible spell breathertrap to end the wrecking, her attempts are always followed by disaster and she positively hates Mamthey capture the island's spell book with itleader and Mira's sharp teeth that suck your bloodfather. When Desperate to save him from death, Mira makes a bargain with a stranger finds their village one daywreck survivor who is as charming as he is secretive and with only coordinates to guide her, Mam must set she sets off on in search of a family secret that lies buried deep in the sea. With only nine days to unearth what might save her father, as her journey takes her from the watched streets of foreign islands to the great libraryheart of the smuggler's territory, leaving Rayne in Mira must be determined to stop at nothing to save the future of her home and the ones she holds most dear.|isbn=0008664730}}{{Frontpage|author=James Sherwood Metts|title=Planet Storyland|rating=4.5|genre=Confident Readers|summary= Things have been a bit sticky for the village as their chief spell breatherEarthlings. AI and automation have been proceeding apace, but an unfortunate mistake sees Rayne breaking her motheroften replacing jobs they's book re paid to do and other tasks that took time to accomplish. Just as they were beginning to get used to all this technological change and turning everyone in starting to think of other, new ways to monstersspend time, along came an awful pandemic. She must face her fear travel across Life was pretty much shut down and, along with it, all the monster-ridden country many daily social interactions on which they depend so heavily.|isbn=1736128426}}{{Frontpage|author=Matthew Tree|title=We'll Never Know|rating=4.5|genre=Literary Fiction|summary= Timothy Wyndham wants nothing more than to find Mam be different from his father, a drunk and chronic underachiever whose dreams of being exceptional at any of his artistic passions all failed miserably and restore the book who had endless crises of self confidence. So Tim applied himself to save their villagehis studies, cultivated his abilities rather than his daydreams and set himself high but achievable ambitions. [[|isbn= B0CVFXPGP8}}{{Frontpage|author=A G Slatter|title=The Last Spell Breather by Julie PikeBriar Book of the Dead|rating=5|genre=Fantasy|Full Review]]summary='' There's a part of me that wants to keep this just to myself for however long I can. This secret magic of my own, all mine, at last. I just want to enjoy it for a while.''
<!Within a remote mountain pass, far away from the world, lies Silverton; a town under the protection of the Briar's, a family of witches who protect the town and the wider world from the Darklands. Though she has always wished for magic, Ellie Briar is the first non-witch to be born into her family for generations and as such since she was young, her training as a steward revolved around letters and administration rather than spells and potions. When her grandmother suddenly dies, Ellie's cousin Audra becomes the Briar Witch, the town's leader, and Ellie takes her place beside her. As challenges come her way left, right and centre, Ellie uncovers the rare ability to communicate with the dead, putting her at the heart of a maelstrom of chaos. Reeling from one family secret to another, Ellie must decide who to trust and determine what to do as the Briar witches' legacy, everything they have sacrificed to survive, is under threat.|isbn=1803364548}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529900360|title=The Ghost Orchid|author=Jonathan Kellerman|rating=4|genre=Crime|summary=It hadn't been Lt Milo Sturgis's fault that Alex Delaware had been badly injured but he felt responsible and even after Alex recovered, Sturgis was reluctant to ask for his help on difficult cases. His assertions that there were only open-and-shut cases which didn't need the help of a psychologist only worked for a while. Finally, it was Robin, Delaware's partner, who nudged Milo into asking for help again. She knew that the involvement was something that the man she loved needed. The next case did look simple, though. Two lovers were murdered in the swimming pool of a remote property in Bel Air. He was the heir to an Italian shoe empire and she is married to an extremely rich man and it's not the Italian. But which of them was the primary target?}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529395224|title=Letting the Cat Out of the Bag: The Secret Life of a Vet|author=Sion Rowlands|rating=3.5|genre=Animals and Wildlife|summary=Siôn Rowlands fell into veterinary science accidentally. His father was a GP and Rowlands didn't want to follow in his footsteps, particularly when he considered the strain that being on-call put on his father's life. When he was seventeen he took the opportunity of doing work experience with a family friend who was a vet and was convinced this was the job for him. Before long, he was at Liverpool University. It hadn't - as with so many students - been his dream since he was a child. If anything, he'd wanted to be a professional footballer.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0861541774|title=A Nye of Pheasants|author=Steve Burrows|rating=4|genre=Crime|summary=DCI Domenic Jejeune's close friend and former colleague, Danny Maik, has taken a short holiday in Singapore to meet up with an old ally, Guy Trueman. Maik was involved in a street brawl - he would later maintain that he was facing a man armed with a knife - and he killed a Ghurka. Initially, he faced a charge of manslaughter but evidence came to light that suggested that he might have planned to murder the man. Now he could be facing the death penalty. Domenic Jejeune can do nothing to help as any interference from another police force could provoke a diplomatic incident and wouldn't help Danny at all.}}{{Frontpage|author=Alexander McCall Smith|title=The Perfect Passion Company|rating=4.5|genre=General Fiction|summary=The Perfect Passion Company is a dating agency in Edinburgh, run by Ness and operating as an alternative to all the online apps in providing a more personal, tailored service. Ness has asked her younger cousin Katie if she could come and look after the business, as Ness is planning to take a trip to Canada to get away for a while. Katie is coming out of a break up with a bad boyfriend, and so jumps at the chance to come home to Edinburgh. And so begins this new story from Alexander McCall Smith, bringing us to an Edinburgh we already love, thanks to 44 Scotland Street and the Isabel Dalhousie novels, but with some new characters who quickly begin to charm. Katie has no experience in running a business, or in match-making, but Ness has full confidence in her abilities, and there's always her very helpful (and rather handsome) neighbour, William, to lend a hand…|isbn=1846976596}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0811771741|title=InstaKnits for Baby|author=Melissa Leapman|rating=4|genre=Crafts|summary=Melissa Leapman's ''InstaKnits for Baby'' gives us a collection of knits from toys to blankets. Some will be quick knits -others are of the 'long, cosy afternoons in front of the fire' variety. The projects are divided by the time they'll take to complete - DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE less than five hours, five to ten hours, ten to twenty hours and more than twenty hours. All the projects are attractive, modern and useable. I perhaps show my age when I wonder about 'social-media->worthy projects' but that's me being picky.}}{{Frontpage|author=Dean Koontz|title=The Bad Weather Friend|rating=4.5|genre=Paranormal|summary=Benny is having a terrifically bad day. He loses his job, he loses his fiancee, and his house gets trashed. Oh, and someone has delivered a really weird, disturbing coffin-sized object to his home, and it's possible that whoever or whatever was inside is the thing that has trashed his house! The thing is, Benny is the very last person to deserve all this bad luck. He is a nice person. A really nice person. So fortunately for Benny it turns out that the delivery to his house is a new friend, a bad weather friend called Spike, who has been sent to help him since Benny is clearly under attack from nefarious forces for being a good person. Spike is going to take care of Benny, and will certainly take care of Benny's enemies, if he, Benny, and Harper (a waitress slash Private Investigator who finds herself roped into Benny's wild adventure) can figure out who exactly they are.|isbn=1662500491}}{{Frontpage|author=Adam Stower|title=Murray and Bun|rating=4.5|genre=Confident Readers |summary=Murray is supposed to be a humble, tidy and friendly cat, one who is able to sleep and eat and eat and sleep and, well, whatever takes his fancy next of the two. But he's a bad magician's cat, so his favourite bun has been turned into a hyperactive sticky rabbit called Bun, and the catflap they both use can chuck them out, not into the regular back garden, but into a world of frightening adventure and whiffs. This time round it drops them into a Viking land, where a troll hunter is expected – well, one much bigger than Murray was, to be honest, but he's turned up and he'll have to do…|isbn=0008561249}}