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|rating= 4
|genre= Science Fiction
|summary= In Barrabus Madzimure is about to die, stranded on a mining planet millions of light-years from home, executed for high crimes against the year 2102Church, mankind has discovered the secret ruling body of eternal lifeEarth. Human souls can be moved from one Except he's not Barrabus Madzimure, he's Thaniel Kilraven in Barrabus Madzimure's body to another through . Such is the process known as transference. Control magic of this new technology has fallen under Transference, the dominion of Jovian—a powerful prophet ability to transplant a person's soul or consciousness into a different body - and head of a power that the Church which governs every aspect of existencehas exclusive control over. Banished As if Thaniel doesn't have enough things to worry about, a mining colony on Church employee named Corvus has arrived from Earth to interrogate him. All Thaniel wants is to see his family again, and he'll stop at nothing to accomplish this, but the Church isn't going to give in without a distant planet for lawlessness is Barrabas Madzimure—the king hell of thievesa fight. Only when Barrabas faces execution does he claim that another man committed his infamous crimes decades earlier. The authorities are suspicious. Is he the Madzimure of legend, or just another victim of transference?