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The evocation of location is excellent: Lynda La Plante has the Winter of Discontent' perfectly, with bin bags of rubbish piled all over the place and rats searching through them. Peckham was a deprived and tough area and La Plante uses the location well. Characterisation is good, although there is an over-reliance on Tennison being put down or patronised because she's a woman, to the extent that I found it annoying. Yes - it did happen (I was doing a traditionally-male job at the time and I know exactly what it felt like) but it does give a one-sided impression. Tennison is more than just an underestimated woman - even though she does seem to be the only person with any brains in the book.
''Murder Mile'' is a reasonable if not a great read. I finished it in a couple of days, but without any great feeling of enjoyment. I'd just finished [[Broken Ground by Val McDermid]] - a five-star cracker - and ''Murder Mile'' didn't come to anywhere near the same standard. Read it if you're following the series.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
This was the third Jane Tennison book for me: the best of them has been [[Hidden Killers (Tennison 2) by Lynda La Plante|Hidden Killers]], the second book in the series.