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The ending is a little abrupt, but it still liked it. It also was not what I was expecting – I foresaw two options, but this was a different third one that came out of no-where. My only word of warning for people like me who take books everywhere, is that in the current paperback release, the story finishes about 30 pages before the end of the book, and is followed by an extract from her earlier novel, ''Lucy In The Sky''. Having read this one a couple of times, I didn't really want to read the sneak-peak they include, but I had to since I had budgeted on the book being a good few pages longer than it was when I went out with it. (It was either that or not read while sitting alone in Mexican Starbucks – puh-lease).
This book would appeal to fans of easy reading books with fun characters, like the [[Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella|Shopaholic]] series, while if it's more on life in La La Land that you're after, you might enjoy a different journalist-come-author's take on it, [[The Motherhood Walk of Fame by Shari Low]]. You might also enjoy [[Every Colour of You by Amelia Mandeville]].
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