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Kit is a former flame, the one who got away and then moved away, to New York in fact. She’s not seen him since, but when he unexpectedly shows up at her party her old feelings for him come flooding back. With him keen to pick up where they left off, and even play happy families with Luke, maybe she doesn’t need to track down Darth Vader after all. But is Kit all he seems? Is he back in her life for a reason? And should she heed the warnings of his younger brother, the once troublesome but now, well, actually a bit hot, Ethan?
There are lots of mysteries in this book, beyond finding out who can legitimately say ''Luke, I am your father''. There’s lots of confusing jumping to conclusions and lots of secrets to come out, but I didn’t feel there were that many surprises. I think there were supposed to be some gasp-out-loud moments, but somehow the clues dropped were a bit large and a bit blatant, so it was pretty obvious how it was going to end. Even towards the final pages , I wondered whether there might be a big 180 still waiting to pop out and really shock me, but ultimately it ended in exactly the way I thought it would, such was the clarity of the hints early on.
That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it all, because it was a very funny read with some characters. The BDSM angle was quite unexpected, and at first , I thought it might be trying to hitch its wagon to [[Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James|Fifty Shades’]] star, but the way it plays out is quite different (and funny), though I have to say I’m supremely glad May is not my upstairs neighbour.
This is an easy book to read though I felt it didn’t need to be quite so long. It’s Irish but not too Irish (just a few uses of “Will I…?” that you don’t tend to get over this way) and brimming with a very likable likeable cast of characters. You could certainly do worse.
Thanks go to the publishers for supplying this book.