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Long words aside, this book thrilled me. The writing was amazing, like a comfortable chat with a good friend, and as the story began to develop I was loathe to put it down. The sisters, though different in many ways, were equal heroines in the book, and I warmed to both immediately. The book flits around from character to character, with the story going off to follow different people at different times. It's not immediately clear why a two-generational approach is needed (we have some sections focussing on the sisters, and others with their children/friends) but at the end when things come together nicely, you can see why it was done.
Sometimes I dislike it when you find a book ends sooner than expected, and the last few pages are a sample chapter from another title. Here, rather than being annoyed that I'd misjudged how much I had left, I was relieved, because I couldn't bear the story to end, but from the looks of things in those extra pages , it will continue in another book to be released next year. This is one of the best books I've read in ages. Highly recommended.
Thanks go to the publishers for sending this title to The Bookbag. We also have a review of [[Highway Robbery by Kate Thompson]].
If you like the sound of this, why not also check our out reviews of [[Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes]] or perhaps [[Tell Me Something by Adele Parks]]. You might also enjoy [[Don't Get Me Wrong by Marianne Kavanagh]], but we had our reservation s.