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It's vivid, it's original, it's tense but controlled, and it leaves you wanting more. I understand a sequel is on the way. The sooner the better! ''Dark Falls'' comes highly recommended by Bookbag.
My thanks to the nice people at Simon & Schuster for sending the book. We also have a review of [[Rip Tide (Dark Life) by Kat Falls]].
Helen Dunmore's intensely romantic [[The Deep by Helen Dunmore|Ingo]] series is all about a subsea life and has strong environmental themes, but it's pre-apocalyptic. Some people still have hope! Some of our favourite teen future catastrophe novels are [[Bad Faith by Gillian Philip]], [[The Declaration by Gemma Malley]], and the splendiferous [[The Carbon Diaries 2015 by Saci Lloyd]], about a Britain under carbon rationing. Oh, and I mustn't forget [[Incarceron by Catherine Fisher]], which is set in the future but harks back to the mores of a past age.