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Created page with "The six novels (known collectively as 'The Palliser Novels') are best read in order as you'll find spoilers for earlier books as you get later into the series. If you're more..."
The six novels (known collectively as 'The Palliser Novels') are best read in order as you'll find spoilers for earlier books as you get later into the series. If you're more interested in the politics of the period you could read books one, two, four and five, which are sometimes called 'The Parliamentary Novels'.

[[Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope|Can You Forgive Her?]] (1864)

[[Phineas Finn by Anthony Trollope|Phineas Finn]] (1869)

[[The Eustace Diamonds by Anthony Trollope|The Eustace Diamonds]] (1873)

[[Phineas Redux by Anthony Trollope|Phineas Redux]] (1874)

[[The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope|The Prime Minister]] (1876)

[[The Duke's Children by Anthony Trollope|The Duke's Children]] (1879)

[[Category:Lists]] [[Category:Literary Fiction]] [[Category:Anthony Trollope]]