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I have just finished reading this book. I was reluctant to read it at first as I have read books on abuse before and have found them too graphic with describing the abuse.It was a refreshing change to hear more about the effects the abuse had on the child and her family. What impressed me the most was Emma's quick response in dealing with it from the outset. Her foremost thought was for her child, as it should be. Unfortunately not all mothers are like this. Mine was one of them.
I found myself feeling jealousy at times, and I had to ask myself why would I be jealous of Tamsin. . Well it's for exactly that....that my mother was nothing like Emma.
I was 15 as well when I finally told my mother what was going on.... her response was ( I can still remember like it was yesterday) that " she'd had her suspicions"!!! I couldn't believe it, how could any mother "have her suspicions" and yet let it continue??
I think it is true that people in general don't want to know about abuse. They don't' understand the lifelong effect it has on the child. I found the last part of the book, Afterthoughts...very interesting. It echoed the thoughts I myself have had on this subject. It appears that the justice system even in this country (Australia) is more concerned with the rights of the guilty than the rights of the innocent victims.That somehow the abuser becomes the one to be protected. They are mollycoddled in jail , if ever it goes that far and protected by suppression orders in the media. The church is far more interested in "forgiving" the abuser than worrying about the victim. As has been my own experience.
To these men who prey on innocent children for their own sexual gratification and indeed more often the power they have over them.... it's not the sin of what they do but the sin of being found out!
They don't think that what they do IS "that bad" they haven't "murdered" anyone. But what they HAVE indeed done is stolen the innocence from that child. They have forever tainted that child's life with terrible memories, that no amount of counseling or treatment will ever take away. They have robbed those children of their self esteem, left to feel dirty and guilty and ashamed.
And don't forget many of these perpetrators have gotten away with it because there was no-one to stop them, no-one willing to deal with it. It's a hidden shame in so many families. If it ever comes to light it must be kept a dirty little secret that everyone knows about but which is never addressed.
If every parent read this book, then maybe so many children would not become victims. Maybe they might realize that the danger is not the strangers out there but could very well be good old "Uncle John" or whoever, in their own family or circle of friends. Maybe those people that are protecting the abuser in their own family, by staying silent, might speak up and thereby protect the future victims. For men like this, Emma is right, given the opportunity they WILL abuse again.
I was not the first victim of my abuser and I know I was not the last. Unfortunately he was never held to account. There were many reasons it never happened, mostly because no-one would stand up for me. He is dead now for which I am relieved....never again will I have to see his face.
It took many years to overcome the past but like Tamsin...I am not a victim...but a survivor.
Julie Aldridge