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|title=The Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking
|sort=Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking
|author=Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler
|reviewer=Louise Laurie
|genre=Business and Finance
A slim book which is designed to be interactive with the reader. This European Bestseller outlines various working models to help us make better, wiser and more-informed decisions and choices in aspects of our lives.
|publisher=Profile Books Ltd
|date=January 2011

This little, black book with its gold lettering on the front cover is beautifully presented. Truly pocket-sized to make it easy to refer to at any time, any place. Divided into four neat sections dealing with ''the self'' and ''others'' (others in the main being say business partners, colleagues or like-minded people) these fifty working models are designed to give the individual both self-awareness and ammunition, if you like, in order to cope with various business/political and even social scenarios, for example.

You can tell that the rather youngish co-writers take their publication seriously. On page 5 the no-nonsense information clearly states ''Instructions For Use.'' Okay, I thought. But there's more. ''Why You Should Read This Book'' and ''How To Use This Book.'' So, there's absolutely no excuse and no reason for any confusion. The co-writers go on to define the working models into half a dozen bullet-point explanations - ranging from the fact that they ''simplify'', ''sum up'' and also ''organise.''

I suppose the sensible question to be asked would be - why do we need these models in the first place? The co-authors are ready with their short and succinct answer which is generally along the lines of - in our ever-chaotic and changing world, we need to make sense of it and these tried-and-tested models do just that. Pared down to the bone and with not a single superfluous word anywhere, this book aims to do what it says on the tin. And does it? Well, yes, but with a caveat attached. The reader is expected to put quite a bit of work in to squeeze out the very best results. No pain, no gain, you could say.

I did have a bit of a smile on my face as I came to read page 7 where it says ''You can read this book in the American or the European way.'' And, ever ready, an explanation follows for both ways. I could be a little mischievous here and comment well, what happens if you're an American residing in Europe - but I won't. I can really feel the European seriousness throughout.

Let me give you a few titles of the models to give you a flavour of the book. Titles such as ''How To Work More Efficiently'' and ''How To Find The Right Solution'' both of which are under the sub-heading of ''How to Improve Yourself.'' And in this difficult economic climate and job market, both may be very pertinent and important reading for many. How To Bag That Interview, would be my reading-between-the-lines title.

In the main, most of the models cover a page and sometimes just half a page. Graphs and charts appear where necessary and there are terrific quotes all over the place. I think it safe to say that lazy or poorly motivated people may get the least out of this book. Simply reading it is not even getting half the picture, putting pen to paper is the key.

Some of the information and indeed some of the models I am familiar with - ''The SWOT Analysis'' for example and dare I say it, some of the information could be attributed to good, old-fashioned common sense. Overall, this publication may be timely given, as I say, the current doom and gloom within the economy as a whole and anything which helps to improve one's chances may be eagerly gobbled up but please do be prepared to do some (perhaps painful) soul-searching here and there. Recommended.

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.

If this book appeals then you might also enjoy [[Guide To Management Ideas and Gurus by Tim Hindle]].

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