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|title=A Serious Endeavour: Gender, Education and Community at St Hugh's, 1886-2011
|sort= Serious Endeavour: Gender, Education and Community at St Hugh's, 1886-2011|author=Laura ScwartzSchwartz
|reviewer=Luci Davin
|date=July 2011
|summary=The history of higher education for women at one Oxford college.
"'A Serious Endeavour' is an account of the role of one Oxford college in the history of higher education for women. When it was first founded in 1886 there were very different views on what such education should be, even among its supporters. The university would not even grant female students degrees until 1920, and students were allowed to choose their own course of study and whether they would take formal exams or not before this.
Laura Schwartz draws together the threads of wide ranging research in a fascinating and readable story of St Hughes. Her sources include recent historical research and biography, but also 19th century writings on education, committee papers and student publications throughout the history of the college.
Thank you to Profile Books for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
For more history of the early 20th century, have a look at Martin Pugh’s [[We Danced All Night: A Social History of Britain Between the Wars by Martin Pugh|We Danced All Night: A Social History of Britain Between the Wars]]." {{amazontext|amazon=184668515X}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=8458753184668515X}}