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|summary=Recently dead Sophie lingers around her beloved family and friends (both best and the other sort), wondering how it will turn out. A festival of tears and laughter, you just need to provide chocolate.
Sophie is the wife of disorganised Ollie (who watered a plastic plant for two years a year before realising), mother of typical little boy Freddie and she's dead. Yes, Sophie is very dead. During a wine-filled evening of moaning about her predictable lifestyle with her best friend Jenny, Sophie tries to stop a taxi in the worst way possible. The taxi stops but not quite soon enough.
Sophie's life force may be spent but she hovers in ghostly form. She witnesses Ollie falling apart for the want of a sign that Sophie loved him. She watches Jenny grieve whilst trying to help Ollie, despite Jenny's unsympathetic partner, Sam. Sophie also has to watch the women befriending Ollie with thinly disguised secret agendas. There are some things that are, perhaps, worse than death itself.