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Having said that, don't expect too much from this book. Any fan of dystopian fiction will be able to predict the entire plot after reading a chapter or two and there aren't any surprises. There are some irritating inconsistencies - Tris puts her Divergent identity at risk by doing ''X'' in one chapter but a few pages later, she wins a Dauntless trial by doing ''X'' in exactly the same way. And the worldbuilding is sketchy at best. I'm no geek, but I would have liked a better sense of how and why Tris's society had organised itself as it had and what in its past had prompted it.
How much you enjoy ''Divergent'' will depend very much on what kind of reader you are. If you're into dystopian fiction, love kick-ass heroines, and lots of action , and like your books to give you just what it says on the tin, ''Divergent'' will prove just the ticket. But if you're looking for something new or something with thematic depth and profound things to say about the human condition, or if plot holes irritate the life out of you, then you should probably pass on by.
Here at Bookbag Towers, we really enjoyed this book. Yes, it's predictable, but we love dystopia and strong central female characters who can be both lover ''and'' fighter. We'll be reading the entire series, that's for sure.