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'''Read [[Features|new features]].'''
|author=Francois Lelord
|title=Hector Finds Time (Hector's Journeys)
|genre=General Fiction
Meet, if you haven't already, Hector the psychiatrist. He's like a champagne cork, and when something prays on his mind a lot POP he's off on a global trip to set things right. And, like a champagne cork let off in a posh place, he'll likely crash through a chandelier of scintillating, interesting little points, scattering them left, right and centre, and creating a pretty, if random, pattern on the book page. This time it is, er, time. From patients worried they've none left, to those who want to grow up faster, and those putting anti-ageing cream on crows'-feet. What is the best approach to spending, passing and perhaps not worrying about, time?
|author=Christopher Burns