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|title=The True History of the Blackadder: The Unadulterated Tale of the Creation of a Comedy Legend
|sort=True History of the Blackadder: Unadulterated Tale of the Creation of a Comedy Legend, The
|publisher=Preface Publishing
|date=October 2012
|summary=Informative but surprisingly boring, this is one for Blackadder completists only.
If you need to know everything about the history of ''Blackadder'' and all who worked on it, this is probably the book for you. It has in-depth biographies of all of the main actors involved, lots of details about their prior achievements, and a huge amount of information which includes scripts of deleted scenes. That said, it's staggering that a book about one of the funniest TV programmes ever made can be anywhere near this dull.
Fans of television shouldn't miss the excellent [[The Penguin TV Companion by Jeff Evans]].
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