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|title=The Wave
|publisher=Puffin Books
|date=June 2007
|isbn=Puffin Books (21 Jun 2007)
When Gordon High School's history teacher Ben Ross shows his students a film about the concentration camps of the Holocaust, they are outraged and upset. They are also full of contempt for German civilians and adamant that they themselves would never have stood by and watch the atrocities happen. Ross decides to show them just how it was in Nazi Germany and begins a classroom experiment to instil discipline and instant obedience, couched in similar propaganda terms. He calls it The Wave and gives it chants and mottos - '' strength through discipline; strength through community; and strength through action''.
|comment= There was also film based on a similar (the same?) premise.
What I find the most important in this whole strand of social psychology
And similarly, resistance and heroism can come from the most unexpected
|comment= Yes, there was a film. I think I found Janie Scott's blue eyes brown eyes documentary most interesting - but that's perhaps simply because I saw it first. There are trivial examples in every walk of life. I do think it's as well to bring them to the attention of children in books like these. 