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|title=Tyrannosaurus Drip
|author=Julia Donaldson
|publisher=Macmillan Children's Books
|date=July 2007
The career that dinosaurs made in popular culture never ceases to astonish me: from ''Jurassic Park'' to ''Dintopia'' to ''Walking with Dinosaurs'', but particularly in countless books, cartoons, feature length films, toys and games for pre-school aged and bit older children. I have to confess that the dino-mania has never particularly got hold of me (although I '''did''', actually, have a plum-coloured small one living behind a hidden gate on the way to my kindergarten). I suspect the appeal must have something to do with the fact that dinosaurs are semiotically "anomalous" creatures: both real (with their reality confirmed by science) and un-real (has anybody ever seen one?), dwelling on this borderline between fantasy and science that produces such rich field for modern genre entertainments.
 '''Reviews of other books by Julia Donaldson''' [[The Magic Paintbrush]] [[The Gruffalo]] [[The Smartest Giant in Town]]{{amazonUStext|amazon=1405090006}}
[[Category:David Roberts]]
|name=Tracy B
|comment= I haven't read this book -yet, although Julia has produced some superb books that our family love. I'm really pleased that she has introduced another one and was interested in the observation that this one isn't illustrated by Axel for a change. I'll look forward to reading this in the not too distant future.   