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|summary=If your parents didn't know you were at school with monsters, you'd hate it too if they went camping with your were-friends… Sprightly, imaginative, this is this series back to its best.
|prize=a copy of ''Monstrous Maud: Horror Holiday'' by A B Saddlewick
|text=Three people will each win a copy of the book. For your chance to win just answer the following question:
When do werewolves traditionally transform?
|date=14 March 2013
And you think you have it tough… Maud is the only human at a school entirely populated by monsters – vampires, zombies, invisible people and so on. So just put yourself in her shoes when it's parents' evening, trying to divert her family from realising the truth about everyone and everything around them. Worse than that, try and put yourself in her shoes when it's revealed that she has to get an impossibly high score on an essay to not be kept back a year and lose contact with all her best friends. Worse than that, empathise with Maud as her folks meet another pupil's family at the parents' evening, and they therefore agree to go on holiday with a family of werewolves… at full moon…