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[[Category:New Reviews|Women's Fiction]]
==Women's Fiction==
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|author=Anna Stothard
|summary=Liza Reece works as reflexologist at The Stables, a therapy centre attached to a hotel. It ''should'' be doing quite well. It ''could'' be doing quite well, but the manager and leaseholder is Nicholas, who's a waste of rather a lot of space. Liza reckons that she could take over the lease, reorganise the finances and make a success of it, but she has to raise the money to buy the lease. Dominic Christy has a plan too. He used to be an Air Traffic Controller, but he developed a rare sleep disorder and falling asleep on ''that'' job is not a good idea. He's just split up with his girlfriend and has money from the sale of their house. He has plans for The Stables - and he wouldn't need a reflexologist.
|author=Ann Cliff
|title=Poacher's Moon
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Back in the middle of the nineteenth century it was village gossip when Judith Weaver 'took up' with Will Thorpe. Such matters are always talked about in a village but Judith's parents ran a successful bakery, whilst Will had little to recommend him. As time went on Judith left the village and Will suffered the consequences of his actions (it was, he said, only the one pheasant...) and when he returned to Kirkby he met and married someone else.
|author=Molly Hopkins
|title=It Happened In Venice
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Evie is a tour guide who leads groups around Europe, but when we first meet her in Barbados she’s there for pleasure, not work. She’s back with Rob, her boyfriend who also works on the tour circuit. She’s just about forgiven him for cheating on her and this holiday and their subsequent moving in together with be a fresh start.
|author=Rowan Coleman
|title=Dearest Rose
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Rose has finally escaped. For years she has put up with her bullying husband and lived with the sadness of her mother's suicide after her father left when she was a young girl. Only once, when she was heavily pregnant with her daughter Maddie, did anyone show her any warmth and kindness and treat her like a human being in her own right. That person was Frasier McCleod, an art dealer who had been trying to trace Rose's father, John Jacobs,who happened to be a very exciting artist. Although she couldn't help him, Frasier sent a postcard to thank her and it is the village pictured on that postcard that she makes her way to nine years later when she can put up with her husband's cruelty no more.
|author=Marian Keyes
|title=The Mystery of Mercy Close
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Helen Walsh is a Private Investigator. She's also back home living with her elderly parents (you've heard about Mammy Walsh, right?) because she can't keep up the mortgage or her (very small) flat in Dublin and she hasn't got an office either, for much the same reason. Work is decidedly thin on the ground and to make matters even worse some of her old demons have bubbled up. She's suffered from depression before and she knows the signs: those vultures in the sky were a bit of a giveaway. An old boyfriend resurfaces too. Jay Parker was always charming but too dodgy to be a keeper. It's a difficult choice when he wants to employ Helen but Jay has cash and he's putting on three gigs in Dublin. The trouble is that one of the members of former boyband Laddz, whose comeback starts the following week, has gone missing and without Wayne Diffney a lot of money is going to have to be repaid to the punters.
|author=Cecelia Ahern
|title=One Hundred Names
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Kitty Logan's career had looked to be going well until she made a life changing mistake in a story she covered. It changed the life of the person whom she accused of doing something he didn't do and it changed her life too. The network suspended her. As if her life couldn't get any worse she had to face losing a close friend - the woman who taught her all she knew - who was dying of cancer. At her bedside for what was to be the last time (well, actually, it was the first too - it's not just her research Kitty's been neglecting) Constance was asked if she would tell Kitty about the one story she always wanted to write.
|author=Carmen Reid
|title=Shopping With The Enemy
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Annie is a well known fashionista, but she’s more friendly fashion guru than scary fashion diva. She has various things going on, like her makeover show on the telly, and between that and the kids she’s just about ticking along.
|author=Tammara Webber
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Jacqueline gave up her dreams of becoming a classical musician to follow her boyfriend Kennedy to college. When he dumps her, it hits her hard – so hard she starts skipping classes and, as a result, failing economics. Dragged out to a party by her friend to help her get over the break-up, instead she faces terror as her ex’s friend Buck tries to rape her. A mysterious stranger, Lucas, intervenes to save her, and when she realises they share economics, she starts to wonder whether he could take her mind off Kennedy. She’s also receiving e-mail tuition from an older student she’s never met, who seems to be flirting with her. Soon, though, she realises that Buck hasn’t forgiven her for escaping his attentions, and she’s forced to try to find the courage to take a stand against him.
|author=Pamela Hartshorne
|title=Time's Echo
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=Grace Trewe has temporarily moved to York to sort out the affairs of her godmother, Lucy, who died suddenly. After surviving the Indonesian tsunami the previous Christmas, Grace has decided to live life to the full and plans more travelling once Lucy's house is sold. She hasn’t a care or a tie in the world, as long as she doesn't remember little Lucas back on that Christmas beach. As it turns out, that's not the only thing she needs to avoid. Strange, horrific dreams disrupt her sleep and vivid daydreams start to attack her waking moments as 21st century York keeps fading to be replaced by its 16th century streets. Grace will be fine though; it's just stress and her oddly acquired knowledge of the past is just a coincidence, or so says seemingly kindly neighbour, historian and single father Drew. Meanwhile, 500 years before, there was a woman named Hawise who met a terrible death…
|author=Dorothy Koomson
|title=The Rose Petal Beach
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Tamia and Scott met at school and they were friends before they were anything else although it wasn't to the liking of either family. Scott's brother referred to Tamia as ''that'' - a reference to the colour of her skin. Tamia's family weren't racially prejudiced but they knew the Challey family and their reputation for criminality. It wasn't what they wanted for their daughter: they saw a university education, but were to be disappointed on both counts. It looked to be working well: the marriage seemed stable and they had two beautiful daughters, but then one night it all fell apart. Scott was arrested in front of his wife and children for a dreadful crime. As if this wasn't bad enough, Tami's world disintegrated even further when she discovered that Scott's accuser was someone whom she regarded as a close friend.
|author=Debbie Macomber
|title=The Inn at Rose Harbor
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Jo Marie, who was recently widowed, feels drawn to an inn in a small town called Cedar Grove, where she believes she can find healing. She renames it Rose Harbor Inn and gets ready to welcome her first two guests.