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|summary=Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. or did they? Perhaps they sat in a corner eating a Christmas pie and pulled out a spider! You might think that you know these nursery rhymes like the back of your hand, but you might be surprised when you read some of the stories that can occur when you mix up your traditional favourites in this fabulously funny book.
Many children have a great fondness for traditional nursery rhymes and it doesNdoesn't take long for them to know them so well that they can join in as you are reading to them. They know that Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard and that Dr Foster went to Gloucester. However, what fun it might be to sometimes mix up these tales so that the rhymes become even stranger and funnier than the originals.
This is just what children are able to do what they read ''Mixed Up Nursery Rhymes'' which has the potential for creating many variations on just a few traditional rhymes. In fact the entire book is based on twelve nursery rhymes that can be mixed up in so many ways due to the split pages on which they are written and illustrated.