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|title=It's Not Yours, It's Mine!
|author=Susanna Moores
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Presents are always special but Blieka’s new present is extra special. It is a lovely red ball and Blieka is sure that it is most definitely not for sharing. This ball belongs to Blieka and no-one else! Time passes and the lovely red ball is not quite so lovely anymore. Blieka needs help but what can Blieka do now? Will Blieka’s friends be prepared to come to the rescue?
|summary=It's 1940 and Britain lives in fear of a Nazi invasion that could happen any day. In case the worst happens, Evelyn's husband Geoffrey has buried a little something for her and their young son Philip in the garden. He tells her the tin contains a bit of money and his favourite photo of them. As she digs it up from impulse rather than necessity, she discovers that there's no photo but what there is instead makes Evelyn doubt that she knows the man she married. The events that follow make Evelyn realise that indeed she doesn't. Meanwhile the war continues and a German does invade their lives, but not in the way that either of them could envisage.
|author=Hannah Kent
|title=Burial Rites
|genre=Crime (Historical)
|summary=Fridrik, Agnes and Sigridur are accused of murdering two men one Icelandic night in 1829 before setting fire to their home. Now Agnes awaits execution, imprisoned in the farm of a lowly local family who, rumour has it, wouldn't be too great a loss if the prisoner becomes dangerous. Margrit Jonsdottir (the farmer's wife) doesn't feel threatened and sets the shocked, malnourished Agnes to work. Gradually Agnes reveals the events of that night to Margrit and Toti, a young priest. Her version seems to be a little different from what everyone else concluded, predictably… Or perhaps not so predictably.