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|title=Rogerson's Book of Numbers: The culture of numbers from 1001 Nights to the Seven Wonders of the World
|author=Barnaby Rogerson
|genre=Spirituality and Religion
|summary=One book, split into two testaments, regarding a holy trinity, the principal part known from four writers, in a world abutting another where five pillars are important, up against a world where a six-pointed star holds so many meanings… It's obvious from just a quick dash through the most schoolboy-friendly parts of religion that numbers are important. This book, although counting down from multitudes to that late-comer zero, brings them all to us, with brief notes about why they all hold relevance where whichever country, civilisation or religion is concerned. In the end, I'm sure it's a lot more user-friendly, interesting, and will be a lot more popular, than the original Book of Numbers.
|summary=The range of subjects covered in ''Discover the Savage World'' is astonishing. The first three chapters are science related topics. The first section ''Earth's Power'' covers the birth of the universe, earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters. '' Deadly Nature'' brings new meaning to the phrase ''acting like animals'', as we see the darker side of nature, from venomous creatures, deadly carnivores and a real surprise about a very common and well known bird. ''Wild Science'' has a mixed bag of topics with dangerous elements, explosions, fireworks and exactly how a bullet works, as well as the birth of a star. ''Tough Machines'' dips into technology and innovation with an incredible variety of mechanical subjects with everything from massive transport vehicles and diggers, to robots, military vehicles, ice breaking ships, rockets, and flood control systems. The focus turns to geography with ''Harsh Lands'' show a myriad of cultures and lifestyles in inhospitable locations. Life is difficult in some regions due to nature, but man made hazards like Chernobyl and land mines occur as well. Finally we close with history and ''Brutal Battles''. This covers ancient warfare with events such as the Battle of Marathon and the Siege of Masada right up to the Somme, the Battle Of Stalingrad with a heavy focus on snipers and the Battle of Kursk.
|author=Stephen Jin-Nom Lee and Howard Webster
|title=Canton Elegy: A Father's Letter of Sacrifice, Survival and Love
|summary=Stephen Jin-Nom Lee, known in his childhood as Ah Nom, was born early in the twentieth century in the village of Dai Waan in rural China. His father died when he was young and he lived with his grandmother, mother and 'Little Uncle', who was only a matter of months older than Ah Nom. They'd become friends as they grew older, but when his Grandfather returned after a long absence in America there as a distinct rivalry between the two. Then Grandfather revealed his reason for returning home - he intended to take the boys to America to be educated. It was a wonderful opportunity and Ah Nom left the village and his mother not knowing when he would see either again.