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Created page with "{{infobox |title=Red Sledge |author=Lita Judge |reviewer=Zoe Page |genre=For Sharing |rating=4.5 |buy=Yes |borrow=Yes |isbn=978-1849397933 |pages=40 |publisher=Andersen |date=..."
|title=Red Sledge
|author=Lita Judge
|reviewer=Zoe Page
|genre=For Sharing
|date=November 2013
|summary=A magical book about snow play, with few words but they're not really missed thanks to the beautiful pictures that easily convey the story.
In the middle of a snowy winter, a child leaves his red sledge leaning against the wall of his house overnight. Little does he know that the woodland creatures have their eye on it for some midnight fun.

This is a picture book in the most obvious sense: there are lots of bright pictures, but few discernible words, just some sound effects such as the ''scrinch scrunch'' of walking in crisp snow, or an ''eeeeeeeeeee'' as someone (I won’t say who) goes catapulting through the air. I always find it amazing that a book can tell so much story with so few words, but this one does, and it does it well. It would be quite easy to add a story of your own, or pad it our while reading, or better yet, let them bring more words to the table. Look, there’s Mr Bear. He’s spotted the sledge and thinks it looks fun! Oh look, he’s taking a ride with rabbit. Watch them go, hurtling down the hills.

This is a very simple story, but it’s so clear what is happening: one animal after another spots the fun going on after hours and comes to join in, but the sledge has been borrowed, not stolen, and it’s back safe and sound by the morning, with only the merest hint of a paw print in the snow to suggest something special has been happening.

The illustrations are super important when a book is all pictures and no talk, and the ones here are splendid. The animals look friendly and the snowy backdrop is enticing, and getting me all excited for my winter holiday next month. The land looks a little foreign, perhaps Scandinavia or at least somewhere on the Continent, but the animals are reassuringly familiar.

This is a lovely, festive book, perfect for reading together on the sofa when it’s too chilly to be playing out in the snow (or lack thereof!) It’s one you can spend a great deal of time enjoying together if you want, or one you can zip through at normal speed. Either way, it’s a winner

Thanks go to the publishers for sending us this charming read.
