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|summary=This is not your typical zombie story - nor is anything like the new monster romances such as [[Twilight by Stephenie Meyer|Twilight]]. It is the prequel to one of the best books I have ever read, and in class all its own.
I normally review a book within a day or two of finishing it. I couldn't with this one. I loved this book, but I did feel dissatisfied with the ending, and I thought perhaps I was missing something - and I was. This book was written as a prequel, and most of the readers will have already read ''[[Warm Bodies''by Isaac Marion|Warm Bodies]]. I found something so unique in Isaac Marion's writing style, and something about this book so compelling that I couldn't quite bear to rate it down, but neither was I happy with a 5 star rating with such as lacklustre ending. It felt like half a book to me. So - in order to review this fairly - I felt I had to read the author's first book. After reading it I am no longer disappointed in the ending. It isn't after all the end - it is just the beginning of one of the best books I have ever read.
''The New Hunger'' is the story of two girls in very different situations. The main focus is on Nora, who has been abandoned along with a much younger brother when her drug addicted parents decided life would be easier without them. Julie on the other hand is well cared for as possible under the circumstances. She has two parents, including a father who had been a high ranking military member and a more free spirited mother. Both girls display something of the women they will become though, especially Nora, who shows a very unusual empathy and thoughtfulness. They both also show an incredible inner reserve of strength, courage and goodness.