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It seem to have become a tradition that fictional detectives have to be hard-drinking, ungodly womanisers and I'm pleased that Kate Ellis has bucked the trend. I was very impressed by [[Playing With Bones (DI Joe Plantagenet) by Kate Ellis|D I Joe Plantagenet]] in her series set in North Yorkshire. Wesley Peterson might not be immune to temptation but he's an honest man, conscious of his work and his family responsibilities. He's of West Indian descent but it was reassuring that Ellis didn't make ''too'' much of this.
As with all Ellis's book books the research is impeccable but she resists the temptation to shoehorn in every fact she can lay her hands on. I found the book ''slightly'' long but - that could be because I'm no aficionado of historical festivals - but it was still a good read with some twists which I didn't see coming.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.