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Anyway, you probably won't be all that surprised that I wept at the end of this story. I expect it was at least partly hormones, but I'm pretty sure a good deal of it was to do with the beautiful, beautiful story. It's incredibly moving. I felt so involved in these characters' lives that by the end it really was that old cliché of a book I couldn't put down. I read until late in the night, ignoring the fact that my own little boy would be waking me up in just a few hours. I just had to get to the end! I had to see what happened! Even after I'd finished reading I kept crying on and off, so it was an extra late night that night! I'm not, of course, going to tell you anything more about how it ends - you can go ahead and wonder like I did until you can read it for yourself to find out. Give yourself a good long stretch of time to read, lots of cupcakes, and a large box of tissues...
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