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|title=Shiver the Whole Night Through
|sort=Shiver the Whole Night Through
It isn't all dour or nail biting; Darragh enjoys a bit of humour and here ambushes us with the odd giggle, for example when Aidan's mum decides to give him a life lesson lecture. (For we adults, this is a moment to squirm as we recognise the situation and us being on the end that embarrasses!)
I only felt one slight quibble about the story, otherwise it would have been a resounding 5*. I appreciate that Aidan's friend Podsy's uncle being a Garda would help the plot along, but would a Garda or any policeman have told their 14 16 year old nephew as much as he told Podsy? It's definitely not the sort of quibble that would put anyone off though as the uncle-led revelations are only a side issue as opposed to the highly engrossing main event.
Age-wise this is a true teens novel, probably appealing to 13 year-olds (and even mature 12s) right up to those of the riper age of 90-teen and beyond. I guess what I'm trying to say (rather clumsily) is that, if you're going to give this to a YA relative for Christmas, don't read it first or you may just hang onto it for yourself!