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''Every 7-year-old needs a superhero. That's just how it is…'' and for Elsa it's her Gran. When Gran dies, Elsa is surprised and devastated. Granny can't be old - Elsa has only known her for 7 years! Elsa still has to carry out Gran's last wish though; there are letters to be delivered and with each delivery Elsa learns something more about Gran the person behind Gran the superhero. Will it enforce her hero status or destroy it?
Swedish author [[:Category:Fredrik Backman|Fredrik Backman]] who started writing in response to his urge for a more cheese-appropriate job (kid you not!) is back with his second novel. His first, [[A Man Called Ove by Fredrik BachmanBackman|A Man Called Ove]] introduced us to a deliciously grumpy aging gent. This time, despite the elder-centric title, Fredrik shoots down to the other end of the age spectrum as the true hero of this novel is the delightfully bright (yes, those two words are compatible!) Elsa.
Elsa is intelligent to the extent that she's beaten up by her school classmates for using long words. However all is made better by the proximity of Gran in the adjacent apartment. Therefore when Gran dies (during a wonderfully effective moment of less-is-more writing) a hole develops that Elsa isn't convinced will be filled by her pregnant mother, estranged father or either of their new partners.