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[[Category:New Reviews|Horror]] __NOTOC__ <!-- Remove -->
|author=Mark Morris
|title=The Society of Blood (Obsidian Heart book 2)
|summary=In order to find his kidnapped daughter Alex Locke still needs to find the Obsidian Heart. The trail leads back from 21st century gangland London to the dark, dirty 19th century version of the capital. Here the streets that witnessed Jack the Ripper's murders only a couple of years before are just as lethal but the danger isn't totally human. Alex doesn't quite know how you'd classify it, but it stands between him and the person who means the most to him so walking away isn't an option.
|author=Yrsa Sigurdardottir and Victoria Cribb (translator)
|summary=People in Coventry Massachusetts get nervous when a big storm comes in. Many have never come to terms with the legacy of killer storm a dozen years before. The townspeople have a sense of foreboding, as if they realise the storm was something more than a natural disaster. But for Jake Schapiro the storm was never an act of God. If anything it was closer to an act of something pure evil. Jake saw the creatures that rode the storm, and saw them claim his brother. He has spent twelve years wishing for another chance, and he is about to get it. This storm is just as cold, just as brutal and just as deadly as the last, but this one is bringing something else. Along with the bitter winds, snow and ice, this storm will bring back the dead. When you lose someone you love, the longing, or wishing for just one more day, one more hour or even a few minutes can be overwhelming - but there is an old saying: 'be careful what you wish for, you just might get it'.
|title=Hunger (Hammer 1)
|author=Melvin Burgess
|summary=Beth wakes up one morning covered in dirt and consumed by a ravening hunger. She puts it down to illness and sleepwalking at first but when the hunger doesn't go and reports of a grave desecration surface, Beth has to admit that something sinister is afoot. Beth doesn't know it yet, but she is a special person. She carries a conduit from the land of the living to the land of the dead and a newly-awakened demon wants her very much. But can Beth, together with brother Louis and friends Ivan and Coll, defeat him?