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|author= Emma Newman
|title= Planetfall
|rating= 5
|genre= Science Fiction
|summary= Ren believed in Lee Suh-Mi's vision of a world far beyond our one, calling to humanity. A planet promising to reveal the truth about our place in the cosmos, and untainted by overpopulation, pollution and war. Ren believed in that vision enough to give up everything, and followed the pathfinder Suh-Mi into the unknown. Twenty two years later, the new colony still functions – based around a mysterious alien structure into which Suh-Mi has resided in isolation. Ren works hard alone, generating the tools needed for survival – and harbouring a secret that could destroy everything they have worked to build. When a stranger appears, bearing a strong resemblance to the hidden Suh-Mi, secrets can no longer be hidden – secrets that may just destroy the colony…
|author=Max Allan Collins
|summary=Dannarah has achieved her childhood dream: she's a reeve marshal, one of the army who fly eagles to defend king and kingdom. However Dannarah' s dream comes after a nightmare. Lady Dannarah (as she's more properly known) is daughter of King Anjihosh and his son Prince Atani both of whom have been killed. Two decades later the current ruler, her great nephew Jehosh gives Dannarah an ultimatum. She will be promoted to Grand Marshal if she brings him a bodyguard to guide him through dangerous times ahead and not just any bodyguard. He wants Kellas, the captain of the former Black Wolves, the elite royal guard who were disbanded after the regicides. Kellas had walked away from the palace in a fog of shock and self-blame and he may not want to come back.
|author= Helle Helle and Martin Aitken (translator)
|title=This Should be Written in the Present Tense
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary= This is the first novel of Helle Helle's, an award winning Danish author, to be translated into English. It is easy to see from this novel why she is gaining accolades in her Danish homeland. The rhythmic, natural flow of the narrative is mesmerising and appears to lull you through the book. It has some lovely, spare sentences of description: ''There were run-down cottages with open doors and news on the radio. Gulls flocked around an early harvester in the late sun''. But mostly, it is written in a modernist, almost stream of consciousness style, which I found refreshing.