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Who said the literary biography is losing ground? We don't think so. In non-fiction, John was mightily impressed by [[Tolstoy: A Russian Life by Rosamund Bartlett]]. It's a full and satisfying biography of the Russian aristocrat and novelist, author of ''War and Peace'', who became a fervent Christian anarchist. It also paints a wonderful complimentary picture of Russia, a nation going through great changes in which he lived and worked.
We think it's about time the redoubtable Andy Stanton got a mention hereabouts and so our children's choice for November is [[Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout by Andy StantonMr Stanton|Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout ]]. Despite a couple of minor misfires recently, the series is really back on track here. The scenario is absurd, the characters stupid when needed to be, heroic when needed to be, and - in the case of Surprising Ben - surprisingly surprising. This is the only series you can turn to for such effortless wordplay, such inventive and intelligent wackiness, and so many returning in-jokes.