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The book is a series of stories which build into a compelling whole: stories which shine a light on Shirley, but also on Kemp and his ways of handling the situation. I thought that it would be a book which I would have to work at, but it definitely wasn't - in fact I read it in two sittings and (if it doesn't sound too unkind to say so) with a great deal of enjoyment. I'd like to thank the publisher for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
If you are looking for information ''about'' dementia then we can recommend [[Dementia: The One-Stop Guide: Practical advice for families, professionals, and people living with dementia and Alzheimer's Disease by June Andrews]] . For a fictional look at the subject you'll undoubtedly enjoy [[Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey]]. Both books will shelve happily alongside ''Caring for Shirley''. And [[Home Is Burning: A Memoir by Dan Marshall|this]] is how caring works at the other end of the scale.