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|title=Everybody's Daughter, Nobody's Child
|author=Jane Lapotaire
|publisher=Virago Press Ltd
|date=April 2007
I hadn't expected to like this book. Instinctively wary of the celebrity memoir, I eyed its Pelzer-ish title with suspicion. I'm also ashamed to admit that I know little of Jane Lapotaire's highly-regarded TV and stage acting. I'm pleased to report that my trepidation was unfounded. This is a book from an earlier age in more ways than one.
|name=Brenda Bixler
|comment= I loved Grace and Favour.The original. I could identify with Jane. I grew up near her,we went to the same shops etc. We are the same age.I remember her in the Gondolier coffee bar in Ipswich. I liked the review. Spot on. Brenda Bixler  