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Finding More Time For Reading

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If there is one thing that a lot of people could benefit from having more of in their lives, it's literature. Plenty of us have gone through this experience of suddenly finding that we are not reading as much as we used to. There are a lot of possible reasons for this, and it's something that you might be able to approach in a number of ways if you want to make sure that you are getting back into reading again. But one of the most important parts of this is probably that you are able to find enough time for reading, and that can be harder than you might initially think.

In this post, we are going to discuss some of the major things you can do to ensure you are finding some more time for reading. The better you do this, the more that you are going to be able to enjoy the experience, and gain the benefits of reading that we all know are there to enjoy.


Fire Up Your Motivation

Getting back into reading can be difficult to do if you have sort of forgotten what it's like to do it a lot and to get a lot out of it. So if you are keen to do this right, you might want to spend a while first trying to fire up your motivation a little, by reminding yourself of what is so worthwhile about reading and why you might want to get into it more and more. In truth, the process of firing up your motivation might take longer than you anticipate, but it's worth it because the result will be a genuine desire to be able to read more and better than you did before.

So what are some of the main benefits to a regular reading practice? First of all, you are likely to have the ability to concentrate for longer periods of time better, and that is the kind of thing that can apply to many other areas of your life too. There is also the fact that reading can help to improve your imagination and many other cognitive aspects too, and that is something that can be really helpful in general.

Reading tends to give you mental energy too, and while at first it might seem taxing, this will eventually turn around and start to have the opposite effect, which is something that you are definitely going to want to bear in mind. As long as you are aware of these kinds of reasons for reading, you are going to naturally find it a lot easier to find more time for it and make it more a part of your life, so that is something that you will want to think about early on in this process.


Start With Something Simple

If you are really getting back into reading after a considerable hiatus, then you might find it easier to start off with a fairly simple book, as that is going to make it a lot simpler to be able to stick with it and keep your motivation going strong. If you go straight into the deep end, you will likely struggle with the experience of trying to read something very dense or complex right away. So it is generally best to ease yourself into it - and what's more, there is nothing wrong with this! You should do all you can to get rid of the notion that reading certain literature is more noble than reading other kinds of literature. It's all about just reading whatever you personally want to read.

If you are able to do that, you should find that you can much more easily get back into reading, and before you know it you will naturally be making more time for it without really having to put any effort into doing so. That is a very simple formula that each of us can follow, and that makes the process of finding more time for reading a very simple act indeed. So make sure that you are allowing yourself to start with something simple, and you'll find that this really helps you out in a big way.

Consider Using A Digital Reader

Much as the internet is often the thing drawing us away from books, it can also be used to help keep us in touch with literature we love. This is certainly truer than ever, and if you are keen to try and improve your experience of reading and to read more, it's certainly worth making sure that you are using a digital reader from time to time too. This can be a tool that really helps you to find a lot more time for reading, while also putting you in touch with more books much more easily, which can be great if you often struggle to find new books that you would like to read.


There are a lot of options out there for e-readers, and you can shop around and find one that you like. The main thing is to make sure that you have a decent internet connection, so that you can download books wherever you might be and whenever you need to. An e-reader like this is the perfect opportunity for a data only SIM, which is generally more affordable than a normal SIM, and which you can get with a variety of data amounts depending on what you feel you might need.

With a digital reader, you might find that you are reading again in no time, so this is definitely something that you are going to want to consider if you are keen on trying to get back into reading and finding the time for it much more easily.

Cut Out The TV

If you happen to spend a lot of your evenings in front of the TV, that is something that you can definitely try to do less of, as this is time that could be spent reading. There is also some evidence that watching TV cuts your attention span, which is necessary if you want to be able to read properly. So if you are keen on finding more time for reading, you will find that cutting out TV, or at least watching a little less of it, helps in both these important ways.


Of course, that might be easier said than done, and you might be wondering what you can do to ensure that you are actually keeping your TV watching to a minimum. You could start by having one or two TV-free nights a week. On those nights, you are going to be so much more likely to pick up a book to read, and this is going to be the kind of thing that you then continue on with so much more easily and naturally. When you do this, you will actually find yourself being drawn to those nights much more than the nights where you are watching television.

Before you know it, reading might even overtake TV watching, which is exactly what we are hoping for here.

If you can do all that, you are going to find that you are finding much more time for reading soon enough, and you will soon enjoy all of the benefits that come with that, such as having an improved concentration and firing up your imagination more too. Be sure to persist with it, as it might take some time, but it's something that you can definitely benefit from greatly.