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|title=Just So Stories
|author=Rudyard Kipling
|publisher=Walker Books Ltd
|date=November 2004
|prize=a CD of ''Kipling'' by Ralph Fiennes
|text=Two people will each win a disc in which Ralph Fiennes brings to life some of Kipling's best known poetry and prose from ''The Jungle Book'', ''Something of Myself'', and ''The Just So Stories'', including the famous ''If....'', and ''My Boy Jack''.
You can hear Ralph Fiennes reading ''My Boy Jack'' [ here]. It as recorded in the room where it was written and it's almost unbearably poignant.
For your chance to win just answer the following question:
Where was Rudyard Kipling born?
|date=30 November 2010
Are you a person of Infinite-Resource-And-Sagacity? Sounds good that, doesn't it? I'm not sure I'm a person of Infinite-Resource-And-Sagacity, not like the mariner who hitched a lift home to England from a hungry whale and in doing so made sure that hungry whales would eat only small fish and never men or boys or little girls, but I'm pretty sure I'd like to be. You might like to be the Djinn In Charge Of All Deserts because he can make extremely good magic. You might even like to be Parsee Pestonjee Bomonjee because he wears a rather sexy hat and eats only cakes which are two feet across and three feet thick (I wouldn't mind being the Parsee, either).