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* '''BB: Does reading play a big part in your life? What do you like reading most and which books inspired you? '''
AH: I love reading. I had trouble learning to read and had to have extra lessons at about the age of seven. Once I got going, though, - partly due to my mum’s copies of some Famous Five books - I didn’t stop, eventually reading literature at university. I love reading in lots of different genres: fantasy, historical fiction, thrillers, romance, and classics. I admit that much of my inspiration comes from childhood favourites: Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising series, Alan Garner’s The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, C S Lewis’ [[The Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis|Narnia stories]], Roger Lancelyn Greene’s retellings of myths and legends, and J R R Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. I have always loved myths and legends and was fortunate enough to indulge this at university by reading lots of medieval King Arthur stories.
* '''BB: I remember those Famous Five books well! Do you still have any of your books from when you were a child? Which three books would you recommend that every child should read?''' AH: I love reading although I prefer to be doing something more active. I read just before I go to sleep so I love the Kindle because I can adjust the font size for my tired eyes from screen work all day. I have been a member of a book group for about 15 years and love our meetings.  * '''BB: Do you still have any books from your childhood and which book has had the most influence on your life?'''
AH: I have lots of my old books! I am not very good at throwing books away, thinking that I might re-read them, use them in school or that my children might read them. In fact my daughter is currently re-reading the Narnia series and I am reading The Lord of the Rings for the fourth time.
Picking just three books is tough! I will choose three great ‘classics’ that don’t get much of a mention today. Firstly, I would put forward Smith (or anything else) by Leon Garfield. He was a great author, bringing historical periods to life with interesting characters and exciting adventures. Secondly, I would suggest Eight Days of Luke by [[:Category:Diana Wynne Jones|Diana Wynne Jones]], which combines the problems of a modern child with ancient mythology (before [[:Category:Rick Riordan |Rick Riordan]] did it). I love the fact that Diana Wynne Jones is still writing and publishing. Thirdly, I would recommend [[Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr|Marianne Dreams ]] which scared me as much as Dr Who when I read it as a child.
*'''BB:I understand that you’re something of an artist. Which comes first, the story or the picture? Were you trained as an artist?'''
AH: The story definitely comes first – although I do tend to ‘play’ it in my head like a film which makes the places and characters quite vivid for me. It can then be frustrating trying to match the faces I ‘see’ with my ability with a pencil! My children have been very patient modelling for me. I am not a trained artist but I did study it to ‘A’ level and keep it up as a hobby.
* '''BB: What’s next for Annette Hart'''
AH: More reading and writing! I have spotted a few older children and teen books I would like to ostensibly buy for my daughter and then read myself. I like the look of historical books such as [[The Lady in the Tower by Marie-Louise Jensen ]] and twists on fairy tales such as Beauty by Robin McKinley. 
My second book in the Athlandia series, Escape and Betrayal, has already been published and I am currently finishing book three while drafting book four. I have also just finished writing an adult fantasy novel. In the future I plan to write an adult story set in WWII based on anecdotes from my own family and to revisit an idea I had for a children’s ghost story.
* '''BB: Good luck with all of that, Annette, and it's been a real pleasure talking to you.'''
[[Category:Interviews|Hart, Annette]] [[Category:Annette Hart]]
|name=Alicia Marshall
|verb= said
|comment=I have just been reading your interview with Annette Hart – rather belatedly! I was thrilled to read that she would recommend both Leon Garfield and Diana Wynne Jones as authors every child should read. My own three children, now all in their 20s, loved them, as did I! In my capacity as librarian on Oxfordshire’s now defunct Schools Library Service I often used to go into primary schools, and recommend books to children, often reading passages from books by these two authors to whet their appetites. I now work in a secondary school library, and find it difficult to persuade kids to read much other than those long series, such as Alex Rider, Darren Shan, Percy Jackson, Skulduggery Pleasant, Cherub, etc. Better than not reading at all, but not a patch on Garfield or Wynne Jones in my opinion!
Alicia Marshall
|name= Annette Hart
|verb= replied
|comment= I'm glad to hear that others, like me, share our joy of older books with children today. I could have added others to my list like Alan Garner or E Nesbit. I would like to offer some hope to Alicia: my daughter and her friends (14) read a lot and occasionally find it 'cool' to find and share books such as the Narnia stories or Malory Towers. It's nice to know none of us are too old to read a well written childrens' book.