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Precious Ramotswe would like to be the Miss Marple of the African continent. When her father dies, she does as he has asked - as any good daughter would - and sets up a business. Mma Ramotswe's business is not exactly the one her father had imagined, though. Precious sets up the very first ladies' private detective agency in Botswana. Its assets are modest: an office; an old white van; two desks; two chairs; a telephone and an underworked secretary. Unambitious this may seem but the real asset to Mma Ramotswe's detective agency is Mma Ramotswe herself. An ample woman - "Hey fat lady, what are you doing sitting beneath that tree?" - Precious Ramotswe has much experience in life, a keen intelligence and an irrepressible desire to help people and to do good. With her minimal practical resources and her infinite stores of wisdom and keen perception, she sets out to solve the cases of the missing boy, the missing husband, the stolen car, the wayward daughter and - her very first case - the father impostor.
