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|isbn= 978-1444779400
This is a lovely book to dip in and out of. You can read it all in one go without overdosing because there's so much variety and it's not just sickly sweet or sentimental, but at the same time you can just read a few of the entries and put it down to enjoy some more later. There's a lovely British feel to it, with lots of Yorkshire references (and dialect) and the whole thing reminded me in a wonderful way of simpler times.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending us a copy to review. Phinn has a wide back catalogue, many of which we have reviewed. Why not have a look at [[Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars by Gervase Phinn|Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars]] and [[The School Inspector Calls! by Gervase Phinn|The School Inspector Calls!]]. Sue also loved [[The First Ever Christmas: And Who to Blame by Gray Jolliffe]]. We think you'll also enjoy [[Silent Night by Jack Sheffield]].