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298 bytes added ,  13:15, 21 January 2018
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{{newreview<!-- Blackburn -->[[image:Blackburn_Threads.jpg|left|authorlink= Blackburnas2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=0099582198]] |title===[[Threads: The Delicate Life of John Craskeby Julia Blackburn]]===|rating=[[image:4.55star.jpg|genrelink=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Biography|Biography]], [[:Category:Art|Art]] |summary=John Craske was a fisherman, from a family of fishermen, who became too ill to go to sea. He was born in Sheringham on the north Norfolk coast in 1881 and would eventually die in the Norwich hospital in 1943 after a life which could have been defined by ill health. There were various explanations for what ailed him, what caused him to sink into a stupour, sometimes for years at a time and he was on occasions described as 'an imbecile'. But John had a natural artistic talent, albeit that his work had to be done on the available surfaces in his home. Chair seats, window sills, the backs of doors all carried his wonderful pictures of the sea. Then he moved on to embroidery, producing wonderful pictures of the Norfolk coast - and, most famously, of the evacuation at Dunkirk.[[Threads: The Delicate Life of John Craske by Julia Blackburn|Full Review]]|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099582198</amazonukbr>}}
|author=Jo Manton, Phyllis Bray and David Buckman

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