{{newreview<!-- Curtis -->*[[image:Curtis_Water.jpg|authorleft|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0995465754?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative= Abi Curtis6738&creativeASIN=0995465754]] |title= ==[[Water & Glassby Abi Curtis]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating= 5}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:General Fiction|genre= General Fiction ]], [[:Category:Dystopian Fiction|Dystopian Fiction]], [[:Category:Science Fiction|Science Fiction]] |summary= Something has happened, something very nasty and on a submarine a pregnant elephant is one of only a handful of animals living below the waves. We follow Nerissa Crane, a vet, as she remembers recent events, looks after the animals and falls into a world of intrigue. It is difficult to properly review this book without giving too much away. There will be mild spoilers throughout this right from the start but I will try to avoid the main ones. [[Water & Glass by Abi Curtis|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0995465754Full Review]]</amazonukbr>}}
|author= Chris Beckett