[[Category:New Reviews|Pets]]__NOTOC__
{{newreview<!-- Pickles -->*[[image:Pickles_Worzel.jpg|left|authorlink=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1787111601?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=Catherine Pickles and Chantal Bourgonje1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1787111601]] |title===[[Worzel says hello! Will you be my friend?by Catherine Pickles and Chantal Bourgonje]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating=5}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:For Sharing|genre=For Sharing]], [[:Category:Pets|Pets]] |summary=I'd like you to meet Worzel, but you'll need to do exactly what I say. Worzel is quite a big dog, but that doesn't mean that he's fierce, or even very brave. In fact, he's frightened, and little as you are, he's frightened of you. He'd like to meet you though: can you see that nose just poking out from the side of the sofa? Now he's peering over the cushion - and finally he's risking leaving that ''very'' safe place he's found, behind the sofa.[[Worzel says hello! Will you be my friend? by Catherine Pickles and Chantal Bourgonje|Full Review]]|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1787111601</amazonukbr>}}
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