DC Cat Kinsella is back at the Met after a secondment to the London Mayor's Office: the hours were good but the job was boring. She's grateful to be back with the old team - her partner DS Luigi Parnell, boss DCI Kate Steele and DC Rénee Akwa. She's still not prepared to say anything about the identity of her boyfriend: the knowledge that she's in a relationship with Aiden Doyle, the brother of a murder victim and moreover a murder with which her father might have had some involvement could finish her career. Kinsella and Parnell are called to the discovery of the body of a young woman: Naomi Lockhart was Australian, just twenty-two years old and her body was discovered by her flat mateflatmate, Kieran Drake, an ex-offender.
Drake ''might'' have been involved, but the enquiry quickly turns to Joseph Madden, the brother-in-law of Naomi's new employer and the owner of a coffee shop just around the corner from police headquarters. Madden is insistent that he's innocent, that he was at home with his wife when the murder took place, but Rachel Madden contradicts her husband's alibi. Cat has the job of investigating the Maddens' marriage and the deeper she digs the stranger it becomes, particularly when she realises that Joseph Madden had approached her for advice before the murder. His wife, he said, had declared that she would make life difficult for him, but Rachel has all the hallmarks of an abused wife.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy of ''Stone Cold Heart'' to the Bookbag. If you'd like to read the series at the beginning, start with [[Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear|Sweet Little Lies]].
[[Caz Frear's DC Cat Kinsella's Novels in Chronological Order]]